Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

La) L(2) Lo) L(g-1) 4.1.1 Ordering (2G): The matrix sub-block B(k) 
p. A. L. + ce EM consists of two component sub-matrices blk ky, 
* | | -— = I. | 2 B vm ine = Lin b(k, k+1) which are square and each is of size (g-1) 
es | [5] 3 & a i: 5 | 2] b(k,k) has its main diagonal and a subsequent one 
for i? as off-diagonal as full of non-zero basic matrices m. 
the a] N a ~N = |L@) b(k,k*1) has its main diagonal and one off -diagonal 
uk 2 X al s|- 9 |j k$]----- gr on each side as full. There are s sub-blocks B(k) 
ent- — E : e EU i I = 1 forming the final pattern of M whose number of rows 
J ; | Ld : | ! | (or columns) becomes s(g-1) in terms of m. 
1 i 1 | | i 
n FH [—] ls-) [ [— | Ls) No. of original basic matrices - 5sg-8s-3g45 
S 2s 3s|----- 9 xg |4l +2} j+3/---—" o|— No. of fill-in (F.I.) basic matrices - (s-1) (g-2) 
e is L3 0L 0) LO] E LA. (g-3) 
| the (—53S) (— *G) 
ill- . a o, 3 ©, 4.1.2 Ordering (2S): The matrix sub-block B(k) is 
3: i =60%, q=20%. 
Figure 3-3 Order ng of models, p 60 oq 20% formed of two s x s Square sub-matrices b(k,k), 
b(k,k*1). b(k,k) has one off-diagonal beside its 
b(k,k)  b(k kel) main diagonal, while b(k,k+1) is a tridiagonal 
4 E matrix. The matrix M is constituted from (g-1) 
= Im Jon sub-blocks B(k) and has same size as in 4.1.1. The 
he + || —+ number of the original non-zero basic elements m 
| £j L(k) il = Lv. D(k,k) should be the same as in 4.1.1. 
— RÀ 1 E 
z 5 | Its) ~ H No. of F.I. - (g-2) (s-1) (s-2). 
nd , — 
; M. 
| an I T E L(k+I) | aO D kel) It is noted that the numbers of F.I. elements are 
o 0) Les Hi proportional to g2, s2 according to the ordering. 
4 =} I 1 7 The No. of F.I. in both cases is the same if 
lary z S-g-1. Therefore, the economic No. of F.I is 
)r achieved by ordering in the direction of least 
m = number of models. The resulting patterns of M and 
ion (—S) 5} its banded form are demonstrated in figure 3.6. Tt 
Ls. - is also noted that whether the ordering is (2G) or 
; .4. . ; STR 2/50 (?S) the same pattern is achieved. The only 
Figure 3-4- Correlation windows, p=60 %,q=20 %. differences are in the dimensions of b and the 
numbers of B. 
1) (S) | tS) | | (g-0 (g-1) 
| — 4.2 P = q=60% 
(2) | S) | (g-1) In some projects need might arise to increase the 
| percentage of the fore-lap (p>60%) and/or the side 
(3) | = Ed € lap (g>20%). Figure 4 represents the case of 
b (k,k) ! b(kks2) | FW ! blk,k+) | p-7q-60$ in a similar manner to figure 3. The 
4j ( > S) | (— 6) condition for economic ordering is given in table 1. 
Figure 3:5- Matrix sub-block Bik),p=60%,q=20%. 4.3 p=q=60% (+C) 
D -—— B» When the side lap is increased to 60$ or more, full 
w—W—s | L(3!L(4)! 14 e M D— models between adjacent photographs in subsequent 
: strips might also be formed, provided that proper 
CN -—>B{1) | (S) alignment between these photographs do exist. Such 
28-1) N i = models shall be called cross models and, if 
B(2 || (S) constructed and included in the computations, the 
2S) N 3; = case shall be denoted by (4C). 
| RR = m À Lil —— e— 
25H) | TH 7 
| [1 86:22 (S) Ci) Cl) C3) C4) Clg) Clg) 
5, (77s 1 ETIN ONES ' ra) 
1 Blg-1) 1S) se” 
| 9- 
(S) | (S) - | E 
Ln Tue) | L{g-3} L(g-2) L(g-1)' <— We 
) M r(3) 
2) | LO) 1 L(2) | LG) IL) |. ,, | Lis) | r7 D a 
| = 
3) Ü) | (g-1) J@ 
J | (9-1) | AD 
3) = 
5) — nn il e ci 1 — 
—Ás + —— 2 — = — o — — ° op 
TH - £6) 
1 -l 
| t— 6) HEP Rie 
] - r(s+1) 
S-I) | Bis), (g-1) > 
2S) i | = | r(s+2) 
m Lis-2) L(s-) L(s).'  —W—» 9. 197-1979 27 —9 -— 
Figure 3-6: Patterns of M,p=60%,q=20% . Figure 4.1. Configuration of photographs & tie points. 

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