Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

Topology ; Introduction and Survey , CVGIP 48, 
Ne. 3,358—393. 
Lunscher W. H. H. J. and Beddoes M. P. , 1987, 
Fast Binary — Image Boundary Extraction, 
CVGIP 38,229—257. 
Pavlids T. , 1982, An Asynchronous Thinning 
Algorithm , CVGIP 20,133— 157. 
Ronse C. , 1986, A Topological Characterization of 
Thinning , Theoret. Comput. Sci. 43,31— 41. 
Rosenfeld A. and Kak A. C. ,1982, Digital Picture 
Processing, 2nd ed. , vol. 2, Academic Press, 
New York. 
Rosenfeld A. , 1979, Picture Languages, Chap. 2, 
Academic Press. New York. 
Rosenfeld A. , 1974 Adjacency in Digital Picture, 
Inform. and Control 26,24— 33. 
Suzak S. and ABE K. ,1985, Topological Structural 
Analysis of Digigized Binary Images by Border 
Following, CVGIP 30. ,32— 46. 
Tsao Y. F. and Fu K. S. ,1982, A General Schame 
for Constructing Skeletion Models, Informa. 
Sc. ,27,53—87. 
ZhiZhuo, 1990, Principles of 
Photogrammetry (with Remote Sensing ), 
WUTSM and Publishing House Of Surveying 
and Mapping. 

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