Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

Yıllhisis a lvpan-ranking drawing on FL DTM 
2. Model name:3:11000.M3 
3. Ranking condition: 
(.0974033, 1.1) 
6.152, .13) 
(.19,5,.21) (.21,6,.24) 
(24,7, 27) (C.27,8,.29) 
C.29,9, 34) (.31,A,.34) 
4. Scale: 
250 M per printer step on direction x 
250 M per printer step on direction y 
5. Initial co-ordinates: (3450,5150) 
As one of the landscape assessment results of 
this case of study, Fig.ll shows the distribution 
of landscape variety (M3 or SBE) on the study 
area. The bigger the numerical value, the more 
the beauty of the landscape around this viewpoint. 
Fig.12 shows the distribution of RH on the stury 
1,00100001233333333333222222211111112467530 .134220..001 
{...012210001333210......00000111222222234443322100269 | 
1000011222111122211100..0012210000001122357775432222356 | 
1221112222332210011221000244420, ' »0235712175334444331 
133332221111111122333344444321. '.0011123578752125897531 
1345542100.'.134544457919520.' .135420..0111.  161H1841 
13677542110. 023555556812942. ' 145420 ‘.010° 07181841 
15899753233332111223210....0013333333200012334555433334 | 
1157741" .01100..00000000420 02455677631," + 379841,0341 
1345420. . 0110... 00000... ‘01344454320, „49111876651 
185311110111000.0112211000..0012110...... O6=H8@ - H941 
17421111111100..01345555543221100011100.. 16=HH#8@1721 
11223222221110..03579»LHC118530 0357541000.0251118542101 
1.133333322221001348118 8H19741.0479852000012578741' '.1 
11254578865334676410012320 .3798520..'''.... „4818511 
132124687765444443210011110..02454310. . 02 "20." „2453311 
152002435665431000112111122221.'.001100...' ...00...00 
1620.1233445433222222100124542. .0110....‘*..000....0 
17310...012345787542110.0357641..00100.. 000 000000142111 
18420. 01245898642110.0367642000000..‘........011210 
1854310..12444444322221122343333210...' .0011000000000 
14911840. '* ‘...0011369=17532100123443333344310....0... | 
1841.. .3719520.....00000 035876432110000000. 1 
162  .025819630....'" ...>. »265875433222211000. | 
110.03689876532100,...00000001111100013344444555531000. | 
1. 1«139119643222100..000000012233211111123455477542000. 
1443221124798531000...... :245543221000112222211000001 
122211001245531002344210.. 0257653211000(11222221111101 
1.0000000,. ' 159:=8421000124654322211111111222233210! 
1011100...... 04821853211000,.136765322111112222221101 
Fig.12 Distribution of RH on the stury area 
l. This is a lskaan-ranking drawing on DTM 
2. Model name: S:LS3000.SAR 
3. Ranking Condition: 
(1.712989E-02,,.05) (05, 1) 
C.1, 5:5) (5,0, 15 
(1,1,1.5) (17572 25 
(2,3,2.5) (2.5,4, 3) 
(3,5, 3:5) (3.5,6,4) 
(4,7,4.5) (4,5,8,5) 
(5,9,5.5) (5.5,1,6) 
(6,2,6.5) (6.5, :, 7) 
(751,7.5) (2.5,[,8) 
(8,H,8.5) (8.5,#,9) 
4. Scale: 
109 M per printer step on direction x 
63 M per printer step on direction y 
4.4 Testify about the Calculation Results 
The testimony of the calculation results was 
taken through site investigation and the public 
test of the tourists. 
5. Creation of a Field Landscape Information 
5.1 Field Landscape Information System 
Based on the framework of time-space simulation 
field landscape information and the method of 
field landscape information collection, a computer 
simulation system of field landscape multi-layers 
information was created (See block diagram 1). 
Ihis system is an extension of the Landscape 
Information System created by the author Liu 
Bin-yi in 1990b, 1991b. There are six function 
parts involved in this system: data collection, 
digital image output, simulation of field land- 
scape environment information, simulation of 
field landscape perceptional information, informa- 
tion synthetic evaluation, applications of plann- 
ing and design. 
5.2 The Mathematical Models of Field Landscape 
The mathematical models of field landscape infor- 
mation involve the models of field landscape 
environment information, field landscape percet- 
tional information and the synthetic evaluation 
models of field landscape information. Among 
those models, some are well known, such as the 
Slope, aspect or orientation, sunlight and shadow, 
etc., some are special according to some prof- 
essional needs, such as the criteria of landscape 
and urban evaluation. 
5.3 Computer Process Design and Software-making 
This work involves two parts: (1) to find some 
software such as the Map Analysis Package and 
the PC ARC/INFO which can be used in the system 
directly; (2) to make some software such as the 
Landscape Analysis Package by one self (Liu 
Bin-yi in 1991). 
6. Conclusion 
the results of this study indicate the idea and 
method of how to collect the perceptional informa- 
tion for the needs of field evaluation and plann- 
ing. Although the debate about quantitating sense 
has been lasted more than two thousand years, 
it is possible to quantitate field elements which 
indicate the perception of field environment 
by the method provided in this paper. Several 
benefits to the planning professions have been 
shown by the initial practice results: (1) to 
analyse and evaluate the living world of the 
field systematically and quantitively; (2) to 
realize a series of modern planning methods; 
(3) to develop a new application field for phot- 
ogrammetry and remote sensing. 
7. Acknowledgment 
This research project was a majorundertaking 
that could never have been completed successfully 
without the support, cooperation and assistance 
of individuals and organizations. 
The author first wishes to thank Professor Feng 
Jizhong, Hon. FAIA, at whose initiation alone 
this research was made possible. The author also 
wishes to acknowledge and thank Professor Li 
Deren and Professor Lu Yan, Wuhan Tech. Univ. 
of Survey & Mapping, China and Proffessor Zhu 
Chongguang, Remote Sensing Application Institute 
of Sino-Academic for their encouragement, goodwill 
and support. Special acknowledgment has to be 
made to National Natural Science Foundation of 
China for its economic support, without which 
this research could never have been completed. 

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