Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

i ft, ve AU: 
H. Diehll, C. Heipke? 
! Department ZTA 21 
Messerschmitt-Bólkow-Blohm GmbH 
Post Box 80 11 09, D-8000 Munich 80, Germany 
Tel: + 49-89-607 28651; Fax: + 49-89-607 25157 
2 Chair for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 
Technical University Munich 
Arcisstr. 21, D-8000 Munich 2, Germany 
Tel: + 49-89-2105 2671; Fax: + 49-89-280 95 73; Telex: 522854 tumue d 
E-mail: heipke@photo.verm.tu-muenchen.de 
Commission III 
This paper deals with automatic surface reconstruction 
from data of digital line cameras in the framework of 
object based image matching. In this approach grid 
heights of a digital terrain model (DTM), the elements 
of exterior orientation and grey values of an orthoimage 
are simultaneously determined from the recorded image 
grey values in a least squares adjustment. In order to 
provide initial values for the unknowns a hierarchical 
image representation is used. 
For the investigations simulated satellite images from a 
high mountain area (the Vernagtferner in the Austrian 
Alps) recorded with a 3-line camera are used. The ele- 
ments of exterior orientation are assumed to be given for 
every set of three scan lines. The influence of white noise 
added to the grey values of the three image strips and of 
random errors in the exterior orientation is investigated. 
The results show that this approach can tolerate a large 
amount of noise in the image (up to a standard deviation 
of more then 10 grey values), but is very sensitive to 
errors in the exterior orientation. 
Key words: Image matching, 3-line camera, object sur- 
face reconstruction, algorithm 
In recent years the main topic in photogrammetric re- 
search was the investigation of digital or softcopy pho- 
togrammetry. There exist two different aspects: on the 
one hand, classical photogrammetric methods are supp- 
lemented or replaced by digital ones, and on the other 
hand new possibilities are discovered, which are especi- 
ally suited for digital data. 
This article deals with a task of digital photogrammetry: 
the extraction of height information from line imagery 
by means of object based image matching. There already 
exist a large number of investigations, publications and 
implemented procedures for image matching. Therefo- 
re, we first present a brief review of the different me- 
The methods of analytical photogrammetry have at first 
been transferred directly to digital photogrammetry, the 
computer had simply replaced the human operato:. 
That is, the computer had to find conjugate points in 
stereo image pairs, but the subsequent calculations were 
still the same, regardless whether the image points had 
been found by man or machine. 
For point matching well known methods from statistical 
mathematics have been developed like correlation of 
grey value distributions /Sharp et al. 1964; Helava 1976; 
Panton 1978; Hannah 1988/. Subpixel accuracy was 

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