2. Parameters, Image Material and Results
Two sets of images were used for the FAST Vision
experiments with and without the application of an
image pyramid:
a) three aerial pictures (1:12000, longitudinal overlap
60%, focal length 153 mm) with low contrasts,
taken in the Dankelshausen area in the vicinity of
Dransfeld (near Göttingen, Lower Saxony, Germa-
ny), showing a crossing of two paths in agri-
cultural surroundings (fields). Surface heights are
between 208m and 213m.
b) two computer-generated pictures, rich of contrast
(only noise due to truncation to integer grey
values, 112000, longitudinal overlap 60%, focal
length 153 mm) of an object similar to a saddle
roof (two inclined planes meeting at a ridge).
One plane (‘exposed to the sun) contains grey
values from 128 to 255, the other one (in the
shade) contains grey values from O to 12T. Surfa-
ce heights are between 1003m and lOllm.
In both cases, the area to be reconstructed had a size
of 4O0mx4Om. The pictures had a size of 240x240
pixels (pixel size: 20umx20um in image space). As
the pictures were taken from an altitude of 1800m
and with a base of 1350m, this pixel size corresponds
to a minimum radius of convergence in Z-direction
of 0.3 m, which is very small. It increases to 0.6 m
on level | of the image pyramid, to 1.2 m on level 2
and to 2.4 m on level 3. Break-off criterion was the
maximum difference of heights between two iterati-
ons. Convergence is assumed to be reached, when
the differences of heights in all grid-points falls
below the break-off criterion, which was chosen to
be twice as high for the grid-points on the borders of
the window to be evaluated (in comparison with
interior grid-points) and four times as high for the
four corner points (quoted in the result tables: bre-
ak-off criterion interior / edge / corner). The number
of iterations for each level of the image pyramid is
given for each experiment (e.g. 4/3/8 iterations, i.e.
4 iterations on level 2, 3 on level | and and 8 on
level 0). The number of Z-facets (i.e. height facets)
given in the parameters is that on level O of the
image pyramid; the number of grey value facets per
Z-facets remains constant for all levels. Regularization
was achieved by minimizing curvature with a
regularization parameter (regularization parameter
O = no regularization). If not stated otherwise, the
regularization parameter was chosen to be 1000 and
the break-off criterion was 5cm/10cm/20cm.
3. Choice of Mask for Low-Pass Filtering
There is no mask of finite dimension realizing ideal
low-pass filtering. Therefore, the choice of such a
mask has to be a compromise between approximation
of ideal low-pass filtering and computational effi-
ciency. A good approximation is characterized by
almost complete elimination of higher signal fre-
quencies while the lower ones have to be almost
completely preserved. There are many suggestions
for masks in literature reaching from a simple 2x2
mean value filter (Li, 1989 / Weisensee, 1991) to a
(e.g) 13x13 mask (Meer et. al, 1987). The latter
one, which really is a Tx7 mask due to zero columns
and rows, was used for low-pass filtering in the
experiments in this paper. Fig.3.1 shows a comparison
of this mask with two binomial masks (Jähne, 1989).
filter mask |no. of computation time kernel
iterations for filtering Crelative) no.
3x3 8/6/5/9™ 1
5x5 10/8/5/10 2.78 2
13x13 15/1/5/9 5.44
*8/6/5/9-8 iterations on level 3 / 6 on level 2
5 on level 1 /9 on level O
kernel-a.a kernel
a-0.0625<1,4,6,4,1) 2
Fig. 3.1: Comparison of number of iterations and
cornputation time for different filter masks
(image material: Dransfeld images,
4 pyramid levels, 8x8 Z-facets)
A low number of iterations on level O of the image
pyramid is desired for the reconstruction of larger
DTMs. Fig. 3.1 shows, that this number is the lowest
for the 13x13 mask, although it can be as low for a
simpler binomial mask (v. 3x3 mask). But as the
computaional cost for filtering is low compared with
that of an additional iteration on level O, the 13xl3
mask seems to be a good choice. Larger masks do
not seem to be recommendable because of the large
areas on the edges of the images, which cannot be
filtered by them.
4. Comparison of the Experimental Results with and
without Image Pyramid
It is necessary for the application of the image pyra-
mid within FAST Vision, that the obtained results are
of the same quality as those obtained without the
application of an image pyramid. In order to be able
to compare the results we chose computer-gene-
rated images, because the exact heights of the object
to be reconstructed are known. For the purpose of
comparison a window of 8x8 Z-facets was recon-
structed with and without image pyramid. The start
value for all heights was lOOTm, see section 2b).
There was no regularization, no radiometric transfer
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