1 a
0 a
function and the break-off criterion was Imm/2
mm/4mm. In both cases the root mean square of dif-
ferences between reconstruction results and real sur-
face was 13 mm (i.e. O.OT^/.. of flying altitude).
In this special experiment the position of the Z-facets
was chosen in a way, in which there was a coinci-
dence between the ridge and the border of the
Z-facets (resulting in 8x4 facets situated on each half
of the roof), so that the reconstructed heights in
each grid-point could be exactly compared with the
heights on the real oject. The mean differences of the
reconstructed heights from the real values on the
object are equal with and without the application of
the image pyramid. Thus, the quality of reonstruction
is the same in both cases.
5. Advantages of the Application of the Image Pyra-
mid within FAST Vision with Respect to Radius
and Rate of Convergence
The advantages of the application of the image py-
ramid within FAST Vision have to be investigated.
For this pupose, a DTM and an orthophoto in the
Dransfeld area was reconstructed. Several experi-
ments were carried out with and without the appli-
cation of an image pyramid. There were also diffe-
rent regularization parameters and radiometric trans-
fer functions chosen. Fig. 5.1 shows the number of
iterations and the relative time for computation, until
the break-off criterion was met.
regularization parameter a
radiometric transfer funct
with pyramid 8/4/8"* 1.8"
no pyramid wrong
AO with pyrarnid 12:577. 2.3
no pvrarnid wrong
radiornetric transfer funct
with pyrarnid 8/4/4 16
no pyrarnd ST 151
2 with pyramid 73/4 1.0
no pyramid 35 12.4
radiometric transfer funct
with pyramid 8/4/72 IO
no pyramid 44 9.9
with pyramid D T/3/4 1.5
no pyramid 45 10.2
wrong=convergence towards wrong heights
**8/4/8 = 8 iterations on level 2 /
4 on level 1 / 8 on level O
*1.8 = computation time relative to ===
Fig.5.1: Comparison of FAST Vision with and
without image pyramid: no. of iterations &
(image material: Dransfeld images,
3 pyramid levels, 4x4 Z-facets)
As the start value for the height of 205 m was lower
then the real heights in the area (bad start value),
the application of the image pyramid resulted in an
advantage of a factor of up to 10 in terms of compu-
tational speed. Fig. 5. also shows, that convergence
can be reached by applying the image pyramid in
cases, in which it is not reached when not applied
(v. first column of fig. 5.1: FAST Vision converges to
wrong height values without application of image
6. Choice of Break-Off Criterion on Higher Levels of
the Image Pyramid
Regarding the number of iterations on the higher le-
vels of the image pyamid (v. fig. 3.D, one realizes
that it is generally greater on the higher levels of the
image pyramid, which indicates that one does not
have to choose the same break-off criterion on the
higher level as on level O. This becomes especially
clear when realizing, that the resulting heights on
the higher levels are used as mere start values for
the next lower ones. In order to investigate, if it is
necessary to choose the same break-off criterion on
each level of the image pyramid, the following ex-
periment was carried out with two methods of choo-
sing the break-off criterion on each level:
a) The break-off criterion on each level is the same,
b) the break-off criterion is doubled from one level
to the next higher one.
Doubling of the break-off criterion in b) has been
chosen because of the proportionality of height errors
with x-parallax errors, which are proportional to pixel
Fig. 6.1 shows the number of iterations on each level
of the image pyramid. They are equal for level O for
a) and b), but the values are lower for b) on the
higher levels. Therefore, the start values obtained
from the higher levels are exact enough even if the
break-off criterion is doubled from one level to the
next higher one. On the other hand, as the time
needed for an iteration on a higher level of the ima-
ge pyramid is much lower than that on ievel O, the
added advantage in terms of compuational time
amounts to only 1% in case b)
case| iterations | (level 3,2/1/0)
a) 8/5/4/4
b) 3/3/3/4
Fig. 6.1: No. of iterations for equal break-
oif criterion on each level of image
pyramid (case a) and for break-off
criterion doubled on each higher level
(case b)