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Bheshem Ramlal "li
University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago gat.
Jane E. Drummond have
International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences (ITC), The Netherlands det:
Although variance propagation is well established in photogrammetry, this and other error propagation
theory has not been transferred to GIS to exist as a standard analytical tool alongside such as Overlay
Analysis, Buffer Analysis, and Network Analysis. This paper describes a prototype Uncertainty Subsystem
implemented in ILWIS - a PC based GIS, and designed to provide an error propagation facility. The
subsystem has been tested on a Dutch Land Reallocation problem which combines soils and topographic
information. The procedures used to determine and record the quality of the processed data; the error
propagation techniques which process the quality data through the models which generate the new Land
Reallocation information; and the applied visualisation techniques - all used in the Uncertainty
Subsystem, are described in the paper.
KEYWORDS: Gis processing, Land reallocation, Land consolidation, Data quality, Information quality,
Error propagation
For at least two hundred years, since surveyors
began to exploit Error Theory while establishing A simple definition of GIS which contributes to
survey control, map makers have been actively this discussion on data and information quality
concerned with the quality of their data. But only is:
recently has data quality within GIS become a "hot
topic" - as demonstrated by the 1989 publication A Geographic Information System processes spatial
of Goodchild and Gopal’s "Accuracy of Spatial data through models to provide information. in a
Databases", NCGIA support for comprehensive computer managed environment.
reviews of data quality [VEREGIN, 1989] and its
visualisation [BEARD, BUTTENFIELD and Spatial data are facts about real world entities
CLAPHAM, 1991], re-evaluations of Openshaw’s falling into two categories:
Monte-Carlo simulation work of the 1970's
[OPENSHAW, CHARLTON and CARVER, 1991], etc. This primary data: identifiers; positional data;
recent GIS-centred activity seems to have been attribute data; and,
initiated by Chrisman [CHRISMAN, 1982] and
Blakemore [BLAKEMORE, 1984] in the early 1980's, secondary data: temporal data, quality parameters,
but related concerns over the quality of gridded etc. i.e. facts-about-facts (or,
digital data when derived from satellite remote sometimes, meta-data)
sensing sources (e.g. [HORD and BROONER, 1976] and
[VAN GENDEREN and LOCK, 1977]) and Digital Terrain With identifiers unique recognition of a real
Models (e.g. [MAKAROVIC, 1978]) were being world entity is enabled - if explicitly stated. In
expressed in the 1970's, and have generated a some GISs identifiers are merely implied (e.g. by in
literature which remains applicable when position). Positional data are represented by of
considering data quality in today’s GISs. continuous variables. Attribute data may also be "log
represented by continuous variables or tas}
Classifications of error now exist [VEREGIN, alternatively discontinuous variables. Temporal owne
1989], and could form the foundation for a data represent the date at which primary data were the
standard GIS tool dealing with information originally observed or measured. meet
uncertainty, but as this standard tool does not unic
yet appear to exist, uncertainty is frequently Models embody the manipulative and analytical GIS
ignored by GIS users. It is our intention, at ITC procedures which use data stored in a GIS to met;
under the auspices of the XGIS project, to develop generate information, and can be considered to be
and implement such a standard tool vithin ILVIS. either: 1. logical; or, 2. mathematical. Logical 2.1
(The XGIS Project will provide Expert System based models (e.g. crop suitability rules) manipulate
interfaces for ILWIS. ILWIS or The Integrated Land discontinuous variables. Mathematical models (e.g.
and Watershed- management Information System is an projection change equations) manipulate continuous We
MS-DOS based GIS developed at ITC.) The GIS tool variables (e.g. geodetic latitude and longitude) and
dealing with information quality will be termed and constants (e.g. a,b the semi-major and [RAP
the ‘Uncertainty Subsystem’ of ILWIS. It will semi-minor axes). Comp
process quality information in (near) parallel data
with the information generated for the users’ Secondary data include quality parameters. It is Qual
applications, and provide quality information at now well established [CHRISMAN & MCGRANAGHAN, indi
the user’s request. 1990] that in GIS there are five aspects of uses
spatial data which have quality implications: