Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

Wy, = xD (3.3) 
Vig = 0.501 X M, - 0.510812, 1 
+ Log(W, 4) 
120M 10. 
Here >, denotes extremal pixels 
correlation matrix. Uy denotes l and J 
regions average and "y denotes Hy, a 
priory probability. 
Let's find Hoc region. 
Filter impuls response and frame 
difference fild_ parametrs _ allows to 
define easily 3.4 and Hag (Jens, 
1989). Fig. 1 shell be used for Wi 
defining. Apriory probabilities of any 
pixel belonging to one of the regions 
followed Fig.1 are: 
IW, (1 -W. )) 
Wie = Wye = Wop = Wop = WW,U1-W, (2-W.)1 
- 5 - - ge - 2 
Wan d Wap v WA - Won = WW. (1 V.) 
Wc = L1-WAR-W)3® 
Wen = Wc = WW, [1-W, (2-W,)] 
2 2 
Win = (W,W.) 
Here moving object pattern area is 
W. about frame area and pattern has not 
moved to LA about his area for time 
distance T. 
We supposed in what follows that W,-0. In 
this case it's easy to make sure (see 
(Jess, 1989)) that regions in which 
hypothesises are true are placed as it 
a= X W 
B= Woo Poo (RIZE) 
+ P TIX 
13 PB, 4 (XI Xen) 
where Qc is hypothesis E C acceptence 
region. 7 
g ac 
N Z 
pod | Ar 
BA , 'CA T 
PT e E Tm rr cert 
i Q u^ 
| ec zz | 
^ » 
s m Y ob 
m m. 
oy rien re 
e : 
ar Magi Mog | "AB 
Fig.2 Hypothesises aooeptenoe 
regions. Admissible hypothesises 
are above heavy line. 
h 1comj ce = 
As Cin £ ob admissible hypothesises 
are above heavy line in Fig.2. Then H,_, 
HAC and HE hypothesises are not 
admissible. This makes some easily total 
error calculating. Nevertheless it 
remains very tradicus. 
As previous resercher (Holben, 1980) we 
have examined some particular cases which 
are typical for airborne Sensors. 
Examined range of the pattern and 
background parameters is shown in table 
Table 1. Range of examined parameters 
Field type 
Background Pattern Noise 
Average 0.240-0.400 | 0.320-0.550 0.000 
Standart 0.036-0.265 | 0.042-0.200 | 0.0I4-0.044 
Correlation| 0.523-2.0I3 
I.043-5.996 | 25.56-3I.I2 
shown in Fig.2. 
As it follows from Eg.(3.1), Eq.(3.2) and 
Eq. (3.3) hyperquadrios is defined by 
hypothesises parameters and may have 
different forms in some cases. In Fig.2. 
we show the simplest case in which random 
filds are not correlated. 
It's easy to make sure that with above 
restrictions total error of detector is: 
Here average and standart deviation is 
defined about maximum pixel value. 
Correlation constant is defined about 
characteristic pattern size. 
The dependence of the total error on the 
background displacement for typical scene 
in some seasons is shown in Fig.3. We 
supposed that W,-0.001. 
In Fig.3 displacement value is defined 
about characteristic pattern size. 

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