he peri-
z(t) and
f b, and
s kt dt is
ed with
n is im-
the list.
bout the
the list
ition. A
ssed as
) (3)
ver that
does not
| Ay, be-
ling and
rotation. It is, therefore, appreciated that the parameters
of this transformation do not explicitly represent the geo-
metric relationships between the original and transformed
features. In order to obtain an explicit form of transfor-
mation parameters, the change of the centroid should be
isolated from scaling and rotation. This can be accom-
plished by means of transforming a feature about the cen-
troid, which is called centroid-based transformation. For
example, a centroid-based similarity transformation is ex-
pressed as
z' cosÜ —sin0 z—2. Ze Az
[es RESI
z, and y. are the coordinates of the centroid.
3.2 Transformation in Frequency Domain
In frequency domain, instead of transforming coor-
dinate pairs, a transformation can directly operate on the
Fourier coefficients. This can be seen mathematically, if the
coordinate pairs (z, y) and (z', y') in Eq. (4) are substituted
by Eq. (1). A notable fact is that it is natural to perform
a centroid-based transformation in frequency domain, be-
cause coordinates of the centroid are represented by the
coefficients of zero harmonic, ag and co, and the other coef-
ficients of higher harmonics are independent of the centroid
translation. Therefore, a centroid-based transformation in
frequency domain can be divided into two parts. The first
part is a translation involving just ao and co. The second
part which deals with a transformation that does not affect
the position of the centroid, such as scaling, rotation and
shearing, involves the other coefficients. These two parts
can be done separately.
For the first part and given that the coefficients ag
and cg are coordinates of the centroid, a translation can
be directly added to the coefficients of the zero harmonic.
Let ag and cj, represent the transformed coefficients, then a
translation in frequency domain will be
i" de ne
For the second part, the Fourier coefficients of non-
zero harmonics are pre-multiplied by a transformation ma-
trix, which can be a matrix of similarity or affine transfor-
mation. The coefficients of each harmonic can be operated
separately, because they are orthogonal. For a similarity
transformation, the transformation matrix will be a combi-
nation of scale factor and rotation matrices. Let the coef-
ficients with a prime be the transformed coefficients, then
the transformation in frequency domain is expressed as
a, D, a cos —sin0 ar bg
E Blea] cos 0 H^ d, |? (6)
k=1 oo.
3.3 Phase Shift
If a linear feature is recorded by using a sequential list
of (z, y) coordinate pairs along the feature, the first point
to be recorded is defined as the starting point. A change of
the starting point does not alter the geometric property of
the feature. However, it does change the Fourier descriptors
except for the coefficients of the zero harmonic. For a closed
line, the starting point can be anywhere along the curve. If
a change of the starting point is interpreted as a change of
the phase £ and denoted as a phase shift At, then At can
be an arbitrary value between 0 and 27. For an open line,
the starting point is either one of the two end points. Its
phase shift is therefore 0 or x.
According to the theory of Fourier series, a phase shift
is accomplished by post-multiplying the coefficients of each
harmonic by a phase shifting matrix, which is similar to a
rotation matrix. Mathematically, it can be expressed as
a, b, _ | a b, cos kAt —sinkAt (7)
d: d, €, d, sinkAt coskAt |^
3.4 Combined Effect of Transformation and Phase
The effects of a transformation and a phase shift can
be combined in frequency domain. From Eqs. (6) and (7), a
combined effect of a similarity transformation and a phase
shift will be
a, b, _ g | cos 0 —sin6 ar b
c d, sin cosÓ Ch d,
| coskAt — sin kAt |
sin kAt cos kAt (8)
Other transformations can be derived in the same
fashion as the similarity transformation. Eq. (5) can be
used for all kinds of transformation. All what needs to be
changed for another type of transformation is the transfor-
mation matrix in Eq. (8). For example, an affine trans-
formation in frequency domain with a phase shift can be
formulated as
a WI lef ar b, cos kAt —sinkAt
d dd} {gk Ch dr sinkAt coskAt |’
| à f | is an affine transformation matrix.
4.1 Matching in the Spatial Domain
The matching process for two given lines has been
defined in the first section. Let a list of (z,y) coordinate
pairs represent a candidate line, which is to be transformed
in order to match a given line pattern composed of a list of
(z', y") coordinates. In the spatial domain, if corresponding
points between the two lines can be defined, each pair of
corresponding points can form two observation equations,
which can be derived from Eq. (4) as