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We see the great potential of object classifiers. The use
of unsupervised classification can help to select training
fields more accurately. It is planned to do in further ex-
periments. The use of analytical methods for evaluation
of the performance of classifier can help significantly to
reduce computer time. This is also planned for further
TABLE 1. The results of forest classification
of nine classifiers
Classifier | PR(%) | PK(%)
PIX 76.22 75.99
OMARK1 89.47 87.44
OIND1 88.29 85.40
OMEANIND1 80.81 80.14
OMEAN1 67.91 67.91
OMARK3 90.66 86.25
OIND3 90.49 88.29
OMEANIND3 82.68 82.34
OMEAN3 68.93 68.93
In this work object classifiers incorporating spatial char-
acteristics of an image during classification and based on
Markov random field model are introduced.
Two analytical methods for the evaluation of performance
of object classifier based on calculating the probability of
error are presented.
First experimental results on forest classification, based on
LANDSAT TM data, show the great potential of object
classifiers comparing with per-pixel classifier. On the other
hand we have to note the complexity of the problem and
the need for further investigation.
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