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1 like-
| (LS)
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criterion expression supposition
MAP P(X | Y) — maz
BE P(Y | X)P(X) 5 maz | *
ML P(Y | X) 2 maz «m
LS V4^Y-!V — min RE
* P(Y) constant
** P(X) =constant and *
4X V ~ N(0,X) and **
Table 2: The MAP criterion and its progenies
where C is constant. It is to see that the least squares
criterion is to minimize VTX~1V which is equivalent
to using a maximum likelihood estimation to maxi-
mize P(Y | X).
So far, we have discussed the MAP criterion and its
progenies. Obviously, each criterion has its own sup-
position (cf. Tab. 4). The LS criterion which is so wi-
dely used in data processing as a general framework
for problem solving is, for instance, only suitable for
dealing with over-constrained inverse problems. For
under-constrained inverse problems the MAP crite-
rion is more appropriate as it provides a flexible fra-
mework to integrate a priori knowledge to restrict
the solution space and one can take the probability
behavior of both the data and the desired solutions
into account. There are many problems in compu-
ter vision, especially in the low-level image proces-
sing, including edge detection, spatial-temporal ap-
proximation, image segmentation, image registration,
and surface reconstruction (cf. Poggio et al.,1985),
which are unfortunately of under-constrained nature
and whose solutions demands on new inference tech-
niques beyond the LS estimation.
6 Restricting Solution Space
The MAP criterion provides a general approach to
handle the inverse problem in an uncertain environ-
ment. It gives a mechanisms to restrict the solution
space and to integrate a priori knowledge by specify-
ing the appropriate prior probabilities P(X). Howe-
ver, the MAP criterion doesn’t tell how to construct
P(X). In this section we look at this issue.
The parameter set X', as mentioned earlier, represents
a physical system and can be considered as a parame-
ter space. In principle, every point X € .t represents
a possible solution. It can be easily imagined that not
all points in the solution space are meaningful. Our
job is to explore the solution space to find an appro-
priate point (solution). So, the first problem is how to
measure the appropriateness of a solution and how to
describe the solution space. A general way to do this
is to define a probability distribution of the solution
space P(X) (Tarantola, 1987).
Let X be a set of parameters representing the
state of a Markov random field. According to the
Hammersley-Clifford theorem (cf. Geman and Ge-
man, 1984; Chou and Brown, 1988), this random field
can be described by a probability distribution of the
Gibbs form:
P(X)z 5 exp [500 , X € À, (5)
where C is a normalizing constant, T is the so called
temperature of the field that controls the flatness of
the distribution of the configurations X and E(X) is
the energy of X which consists of the sum of the local
S(X)zm S V. (6)
The relation (5) suggests that the point in V with a
higher energy occurs less likely.
Now, let us look at the ill-posed inverse problem (1).
According to the the least squares criterion (cf. Tab.
4), one can get an unique pseudo solution through
minimizing VTY;-!V, with respect to
V=AX-Y. (7)
This leads to solving the normal equation
(4TN 1 A) X = ATH 1Y (8)
Certainly, the normal matrix N — ATY-14 is regu-
lar only if the problem (1) is overdetermined. This
suggests that the least squares criterion can only be
used to deal with overdetermined ill-posed inverse
problems. For underdetermined ill-posed inverse pro-
blems, which emerge so often in image understanding,
the least squares criterion can not help us to find a
satisfying solution, as it does not have a mechanism
to restrict the solution space.
Using the bayesian estimate method (BE) (cf. Tab.
4), we have the following optimizing problem (cf. (3),
(4), and (5)):
ylyciy.4 2 E(X) — min, (9)
with respect to (7). Intuitively, this criterion, in com-
parison with the least squares criterion, is more po-
werful to deal with underdetermined ill-posed inverse
problems, as it gives not only a measure for the quality
of the fitting , through the first term in (9), but also
a measure for the probability of the solution, through
the second term in (9). So we can integrate our a
priori knowledge into the inverse process by designing