Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

; organi- 
‚For the 
)73; Eb- 
9 better 
^n inter- 
ng from 
ical in- 
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o diffe- 
rent data types this is called a HYBRID data struc- 
ture (figure 4). 
Figure 4: HYBRID data structure 
Practical experience has shown that the user should have 
the opportunity to choose one of the above mentioned 
data structures, according to the requirements of the 
project concerned. 
The storage of DTM data can be organized by sequential 
files, direct access files, and list structures in which 
position and topology is maintained. Up to now less 
importance was given to object thematics, however, this 
is a postulate for a successful integration as explained 
later on in more detail. An existing data model of a DTM 
should be extended such that it should not be primarily 
position oriented but to be topological and thematic as 
3.1. TIN data organization 
As far as TIN is concerned different modes for data 
storage may be used (Fritsch,1991): 
- an organization with respect to triangles and 
neighboring triangles 
- anorganization with respect to edges 
- anorganization with respect to edges and triangles 
and complete maintainance of topology 
The latter one is demonstrated by figure 5, in which 
linear lists are used for position and topology. 
nodes edges 
node z y z edge nodes 
201 1201 329 220 a 201, 202 
202 1202 V202 2202 b 202, 203 
203 1203 Y203 2203 C 201, 203 
204 2204 Y204 2204 d 203, 204 
205 1205 V2o5 2205 e 201, 204 
211 zon Yan Zn f 203, 211 
218  zns Yıs Z218 g 204, 211 
221  z233 Van Zn h 204, 205 
i 201, 205 
J 211, 221 
triangles k 204, 221 
triangle edges l 205, 221 
A a,b,c m 205, 218 
B. rode n 201,218 
C d,f,g 
D e,h,i 
E g.k 
F h,k,l 
I i,m,n 
Figure 5: TIN data organization 
3.2. GRID data organization 
The advantage of a grid data structure is its simple 
topology. The data is arranged like a matrix with rows 
and columns describing planimetric data x,y; the matrix 
elements are the z-values. For example, the grid of figure 
6 is organized in a (3,4)-matrix. Because of its regular 
topology grid data can be accessed directly. An impro- 
vement of terrain description is mostly assured by extra 

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