Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

test strip | critical test quantity 
identification no. value 
3.9,.003 CT LT QT 
GPS generated 1 173.0]366.0] 2.4 
data vith 4.7 
constant and 2 18.51121.0/: 2.55 
linear terms 
Table 1. Test quantities of the groups of 
parameters. The GPS data were generated 
with constant and linear errors 
From the above table it is clear that the constant 
and linear terms in the two strips are rejected, 
i.e., they are significant, whereas the quadratic 
terms are not significant. The results correctly 
indicate the parameters which were expected to be 
In the second experiment, the same block and same 
type of adjustments were used, but the generated 
GPS data contain only quadratic systematic errors. 
The results of the test are given in table 2. 
test strip | critical test quantity 
identification no. value 
3.,.003 CT LT QT 
GPS generated 1 1.0-1678.01. 2.5 
data with 4.7 
quadratic term| 2 8.6 [116.0] 2.9 
Table 2. Test quantities for the groups of 
parameters. The data were generated vith 
only quadratic errors 
As we see, despite the fact that the generated GPS 
data contain only quadratic errors, the linear 
terms in the two strips are strongly rejected, 
while the constant and quadratic terms are not 
seen to be significant (the constant term is 
rejected in the second strip). 
The results indicates that there is a curious 
interaction between linear and quadratic terms. It 
appears that the linear term approximates quite 
well the existing quadratic error. 
To examine the influence of the GPS modelling on 
the accuracy of the combined adjustment, the 
previously used data sets were adjusted without 
GPS, with GPS using constant and linear terms for 
the GPS modelling (six parameters) and finally 
vith constant, linear and quadratic terms (nine 
parameters). The results are summarized in table 
3. Tests 2 and 3, refer to the set of data in 
which the GPS data were generated with constant 
and linear errors. Tests 4 and 5 refer to the 
generated GPS data with only quadratic errors. 
absolute accuracy 
Case Test | No. of (meter) 
no. check 
points u u u u 
X y z xy 
without 1 80 :1701.130[.230] . 150 
GPS data 
with 6 2 80 .102|.091|.095|.097 
par. cor. 
with 9 3 80 :175].125|].603]. 152 
par. cor. 
with 6 4 80 .098|.087|.094|.093 
par. cor. 
with 9 3 80 „179[.126].608|.155 
par. cor. 
Table 3. The accuracy results vith different GPS 
Comparing the absolute accuracy of test 1 with 
tests 2 and 4 , we see that in the latter better 
absolute accuracies in planimetry and height are 
The comparison of test 1 with tests 3 and 5, in 
which constant, linear and quadratic terms were 
used for the GPS modelling, shows that the 
planimetric absolute accuracy remains on the same 
level of 15 cm, while the height accuracy 
deteriorates from 23 cm to 60 cm. This indicates 
that when non significant parameters (in our case 
the quadratic terms) are included in the 
mathematical model of the adjustment, the results 
deteriorate. This showed up consistently in all 
experiments with generated as well as real data. 
In the experiments with the real data, the 
influencing factors which were investigated were 
the control configuration, where five 
configurations were considered shown schematically 
in figure 2, and also the GPS modelling 
parameters. The blocks were adjusted with the use 
of constant and linear terms, six correction 
parameters, and with the use of constant linear 
and quadratic terms, i.e., nine parameters per 
e 9 
| - 
c = 
| | 
Gr 2 
| 1 
| 1 i 
} $ | 
e à e 3 
CI C2 
+ = 3 a > 2 
i | i 
7x = 2 a s 3 
i 1 | Í 
7 — > 
S = > 2 = 3 
f ; 
a = 3 1 a 5 
= - ~ - 
a = a 2 2 
a C4 
@ : Full control point 
: Horizontal control point 
OQ : vertical control point 
Figure 2. Various types of control distributions 
The statistical significance of the GPS parameters 
was also tested. For these experiments, the 
combined adjustments were executed with the GPS 
observations being modelled with constant linear 
and quadratic terms. Three configurations were 
C^ th 
SQ > 

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