Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

ıts X, Yand Z 
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iduals for 
ial reliabi- 
lity is to see how many of the observations have an 
diagonal element value above 0.5 in oF, as shown i 
figure 7. 
p 1,07 
4 case 
08 - EB A} 
| Ed B 
067 D 
04 7 
027 7 
00 - AA 
6 13 
Fig6 Average values of the residual correlations pij from the 
parameter calculation using 6 or 13 control points. 
| case 
80,0% ++ B A 7 
7 C 7A 
60,0% +— El D p 
| A 
40,0% Z 
| S 
20,0% 7 
0,0% % 
6 13 
Fig7 Estimation of internal reliability. The staples indicates 
the percent of parameters in case A, B, C, and D with a value above 
0.5 in the diagonal of À using 6 or 13 control points. The values for 
case À and B using 6 control points are zero. 
The evaluation is intended to give an estimate of the 
precision and an idea of the internal reliability, using 
different number of control points and cameras. The 
evaluation is theoretical in that it is based on an ideal 
simulated camera and comparator measurements. The 
distance between camera and control/check points 
have been short. 
The test results of precision is shown in tables 4, 5 and 
figures 5, 6. The values of mean deviation in table 4, 5 
does not give anything on the distribution of precision 
in the check point grid. However, the values are 
intended for a comparison of case A, B, C and D as 
shown in figure 4 and 5. 
Figure 4 and 5 confirms the intuitive idea that itera- 
tive DLT should give a better precision compared to 
linear DLT and that bundle adjustment should give a 
better precision with 6 compared to 9 unknown 
parameters. It is also shown that the difference in 
precision decreases between DLT and bundle 
adjustment when the number of control points is 
increased. An interesting result is that the difference 
between DLT, case A and B, and Bundle adjustment 
with 9 unknown parameters, case C, is rather small 
when 13 control points are used. The iterative DLT in 
case B is even better than Bundle adjustment in case C. 
In general, the mean deviation in the Z-component is 
about 2.5 to 3 times higher compared with the X and Y 
component. The relative difference of the Z- 
component between case A, B, C and D is 
approximately the same as for the X and Y compo- 
Correlation of the comparator measurement residuals 
resulting from the calculation of transform parameters 
are shown as average values in figure 6. It indicates 
that DLT needs many control points to have an accep- 
table internal reliability. In case A and B, with only 6 
control points, the residuals are fully correlated, i. e. 
the residuals of the comparator measurements are 
dependent on each other. A gross errors in one of the 
comparator measurements is not possible to locate 
when DLT is used. Bundle adjustment has lower cor- 
relation compared to DLT when 6 control points are 
used. When 13 control points are used the difference 
between DLT and Bundle adjustment becomes small, 
but still Bundle adjustment is better. 
Figure 7 gives an idea of in how many of the compara- 
tor measurements a gross error can be detected. Using 
DLT and 6 control points, i. e. case A and B, a gross 
error can not be detected in any of the comparator 
measurements. For Bundle adjustment the situation 
is better. With 13 control points the difference between 
DLT and Bundle adjustment becomes smaller. A gross 
error can be detected in 70 - 85% of the measurements 
in case A, B, C, and D. 
An indication of future work in evaluating the 
methods is to make a more extensive study of internal 
and also external reliability which are important 
aspects of the methods. 
Bundle adjustment gives a better precision and inter- 
nal reliability compared to DLT when the control 
points are few. When more control points are used the 
difference decreases in both precision and internal 
In a case where a non-metric camera is used, i. e. the 
internal orientation of the camera is unknown, and 
many control points are available and well distributed 
in object space, the iterative DLT is preferable when 
precision is important. The linear DLT gives almost 
the same precision as Bundle adjustment but may also 
be preferable because no estimates of the parameters 
are needed. 

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