ce of
; the
ly, we
| and
d ex-
d un-
on in
f the
) find
| and
ks at
on of
g the
| also
es to
e The segmentation of edges performed individually in
both images, does not necessarily produce correspond-
ing breakpoints. Therefore, the identification of the
same feature in both images becomes a nontrivial
e Although straight lines in the object space are also
straight lines in all projections, the converse does not
hold. Circular arcs appear as elliptic arcs, which are
more difficult to detect.
To avoid these disadvantages we propose to segment the
3-D curves in the object space. In the next section we
present two methods for segmenting a 3-D curve into its
basic primitives.
Here we describe two methods suitable for segmenting 3-D
curves. These methods are not necessarily the best curve
segmentation methods known, rather they demonstrate the
concept of segmentation in 3-D space. The first method is
a 3-D version of a split-and-merge concept, based on the
offset from a straight line. In this method, the curve is
segmented into straight lines only. The second method is
an extension of the % — s concept (see Li and Schenk, 1991
for a 2-D description) into 3-D. With this method, straight
lines and circular arcs are detected.
The input for both methods are lists of densely spaced
points of 3-D edges. It should be noted that the points
are not evenly spaced. They are represented by real 3-D
coordinates. We are presently investigating another repre-
sentation, where the edge points are resampled into a 3-D
discrete space (voxels).
2.1 Split-and-merge method
As the name indicates, the split-and-merge method consists
of the two phases split and merge. In the split phase, the
input data is segmented to assure that each segment fulfills
a certain condition. In our case, the condition is that all
the points contained in a segment are likely to correspond
to a straight line. In the merge phase, redundant break-
points that have been produced during the split phase are
The criterion for deciding whether a group of small line
fragments can be represented as a longer straight line is
the maximum offset. We have chosen the maximum offset
and not a least-squares criterion as suggested in (Pavlidis
and Horowitz, 1974). The reason is that the computational
cost for applying the least-squares criterion is much higher
than the one for the maximum offset, especially in the 3-D
case. In addition, we only perform one split and one merge
phase because the initial segmentation criterion is strong. A
refinement of the breakpoints and a fitting of a straight line
to a list of points can be performed once the segmentation
has been achieved. In general, the offset criterion is superior
to other criteria, since it is not very noise sensitive. Other
criteria, such as the orientation of a line, are quite sensitive
to noise, as we will see in the next section.
Let us now define the maximum offset criterion. Con-
sider a string of n small line fragments I; ...1, which are
formed by a corresponding set of densely spaced points
Do... Pa. This string of fragments can be considered as one
longer straight line if the distance from each point p; . . . pn_1
Figure 1: Splitting a curve according to the maximum offset
to the straight line connecting po and p, does not exceed a
predefined threshold value.
The following pseudo code describes the split phase
of the split-and-merge method. It processes an edge
E=({pı...Pn} or a part of it. The input to the function
in the first call is the indices 1 and n of the first and last
points of the edge. The function works recursively, and in
general its input is the indices of the first and last points
of a sub-edge. The set s (which is a global parameter) is
initialized to contain the numbers 1 and n.
Split( f, 1)
I. m= —1
2. Vi, JS SES
2.1 o := the offset of point p; from the line DP
2.2 ifo » m then m :— o; t:— i
3. if m > MAXOFFSET
then s :— sU (t); Split(f, t); Split(t,1)
Once the above algorithm terminates, s contains an
unsorted list of indices of the potential breakpoints. The
merge algorithm, as specified in the following pseudo code,
attempts to merge two neighboring segments, according to
the same maximum offset criterion described earlier.
1. Sort the s list by ascending order
2. k:= the number of breakpoints in s
3. Vi, 2<1<k—1
3.1 o := the offset of point p,; from the line
3.2 if 0 > MAXOFFSET
then s:=s— {s[i]}; k: =k — 1
Figure 1 demonstrates a 2-D curve splitting. The 3-D
case is similar, except for the calculation of the offsets.
These are calculated in a 3-D coordinate system.
Another aspect is the analysis of the segmented line.
Although the split-and-merge method aims at segmenting
straight lines, some lines cannot be classified, be it because
of noise, short segments or simply because no straight line
segments are present.