Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

Xin Zhuang, Graduate Research Assistant 
Agricultural Engineering Department 
Laboratory for Applications of Remote Sensing 
Purdue University 
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1146 
D. Fabiän Lozano-Garcia, Remote Sensing Application Manager 
Laboratory for Applications of Remote Sensing 
Purdue University 
West Lafayette, IN 47907 
Bernard A. Engel, Associate Professor 
Agricultural Engineering Department 
Laboratory for Applications of Remote Sensing 
Purdue University 
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1146 
R. Norberto Fernändez, Manager 
Global Resources Information Database, United Nations Environment Programme 
Nairobi, Kenya 
Chris J. Johannsen, Director 
Laboratory for Applications of Remote Sensing 
Purdue University 
West Lafayette, IN 47907 
Commission III: Mathematical Analysis of Data 
Classification of remotely sensed data with artificial neural networks is called neuro-classification. Artificial neural networks 
have shown great potential in classification of remotely sensed data. The amount of data used for training a neural network 
affects accuracy and efficiency of the neural network classifier. A neural network was trained separately with 5%, 10%, 15%, 
and 20% image data from a LANDSAT Thematic Mapper scene, which was acquired 29 July 1987. At a risk level of 5%, the 
results showed that (a) classifiers NN-5% (neuro-classification with 5% of the image data used for training), NN-10%, and 
NN-15% did not differ from one another, (b) classifiers NN-15% and NN-20% did not differ from each other, but (c) 
classifiers NN-5% and NN-10% differed from classifier NN-20%. The training rates were reduced by more than 10 
seconds/cycle as we increased the percentage of the image data for training a neural network. Ten percent image data are 
needed to adequately train a neural network classifier, the classifier provides satisfactory performance. 
KEY WORDS: Neuro-Classification, Artificial Neural Networks, Image Processing. 

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