Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

with mass storage devices which allow the storage of a 
whole stereo model. On this base, the Transputer slot 
system was developed, as schematically shown in fig. 
6. It works as a peripheral system in connection with a 
Vax computer. Currently, 25 Transputers T800 are in- 
tegrated into the system. All processes of image corre- 
lation are implemented on these processors, whereas 
the determination of the normal equations for the 
computation of the finite elements is carried out by 
the host computer. The computer capacity of one 
Transputer amounts to about 3 Mips and corresponds 
to the processor power of a Vax processor 3200; the 
whole system has a 'theoretical' computing power of 
75 Mips. 
Host computer 
21”, 10 Transputer card with frame buffer 
Master transputer 
Disk 0 Disk 1 
=. lo 
al bo 2 2 Di 1 
1 3 
Slave transputers 
0 0 Jo 
1 4 1231 9115 3 14231, 2 
3 2 1 1 1 
2 3 0 0 0 
0 6 3 2 7 0 3 8 2 3 9 2 3 10 2 
1 1 1 1 1 
0 0 0 0 0 
31 4 pD—3] 3 15 [£—3] i4 2—3] i5 I2. 
1 1 1 1 1 
0 0 0 0 0 
3 16 2 4 17 2 d 18 2 3 19 2 3 20 2 
1 1 1 1 [1 
: Ru 
[s]: T oet 
0 0 
Disk 3 Disk 2 
Fig. 6 
Configuration of the Transputer Slot System with a 
distributed mass storage system. 
4.3 The verification system 
Verification is a very important part of an automated 
process. The way to control the results of image corre- 
lation and of the data editing has already been dis- 
cussed in paragraph 3.6. This work is currently done 
on the DSRI5, equipped with the image injection sys- 
tem Kriss. In principle, these operations can also be 
carried out on a digital plotter; however, one may ask 
if the same efficiency can be obtained as with an ana- 
lytical plotter. The development work on the injection 
system has shown that the image definition on a mon- 
itor, even with 1'500 x 1'200 pixels, is still considerably 
lower than in the oculars of an optical system. A 
rough estimation of the resolution of an optical obser- 
vation system shows that this corresponds approxi- 
mately to a performance of 3000 x 3000 pixels, and this 
being done in stereo. Consequently, the analytical plot- 
ter will still play an important role for photogrammet- 
ric production, especially when a great amount of data 
has to be processed. 
4.4 Output of image data 
An important by-product of digital photogrammetry is 
the generation of orthophotos. Up to now, orthopho- 
tos have been produced on special orthoprojectors, by 
optical transformation procedures (cf. the Leica OR1 or 
the Zeiss Orthocomp). The digital processing of data 
should allow a considerable increase in quality accord- 
ing to the experience of the printing industry. The 
image could be reproduced on the basis of photograph- 
ic procedures or on the basis of ink-jet or laser printers. 
The advantage of ink-jet printers lies in the possibility 
of reproducing a very limited number of copies. It 
would then be possible to produce orthophotos on re- 
quest, whereas photographic procedures are less flexi- 
ble. Digital reproduction should also considerably fa- 
cilitate the layout of the orthophotos, including the 
lettering and eventual cartographic editions. 
The large-format raster plotters like those used for col- 
or copiers or special ink-jet printers should largely ful- 
fil the quality requirements. The printing time can be 
considerably longer than the scanning time, as only a 
limited number of pictures have to be reproduced. The 
quality of the orthophotos should correspond to a pho- 
tographic reproduction with an enlargement of about 
10 x (cf. table 3). 
Image format AO, possibly A1 
Ink-jet or color laser printer 
Resolution ^ 100 points /cm and color 
with varying point size 
(equivalent to 1000 dots/inch 
for a fixed point size) 
Printing time for AO < 30 min. 
Table 3. 
Requirements in the image output. 

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