Attribute, Mean values
(60), (70), (80)
Uniformity ; Variance
Knowledge ; The spectral
knowledge (gray level)
a segmentation quadtre
32 33
Attribute ; Form
Homogeneity ; Regular polygon
Knowledge; The geometric
knowledge of objects
b Homogeneous region quadtree
Figure 3. The elements of segmentation quadtree and homogeneous
region quadtree ,and their transformation.
After a homogeneous region quadtree is formed by
using the above technique the correspondence between
objects and the regions quadtree shall be determined
based on DGs ,and a class interpretation quadtree
shall be obtained
For this purpose, the spatial relations and constraints
among the class interpretation quadtree are extracted.
Sets of mutually consistent interpretation that share
similar function or are spatial decompositions of the
scene are formed, which may further help us to
interpret the quadtrees based on DGs.
If,after the above processes ,some interpretation class
is still ambiguous ,the previous processes may be
repeated by using the current best interpretation. At
each repetition ,the regions quadtree and the projected
objects may be put into a
more accurate
correspondence in the discrimination graphs way.
4. 1 Interpretation of homogeneous region quadtree
Assuming that we can obtain different image
attributes and the result of each attribute is a finite
number of categories;as well as there is only a finite
number of scene objects whose image appearance falls
in a particular category . In accordance with these
assume, we introduce the quadtree interpretation based
on discrimination graphs (DGs),i.e. we may assign
the quadtrees to same interpretation if they belong to
same the categories of the image attributes. The
interpretation may be an abstract objects class, or be
an elementary object class(see Figure 4).
Arid/ sou
Irrigation > = HE Re
/Bare land E N
a Homogeneous region
one based on DGs.
quadtree intepretation from abstract to specific
sizezz 60
saturation «0. 7
(Bare land Rj)
Sizezz60 Sizezz 60
CArid/Irrigation Saturationzz 0. 8
/Bare land) Hue;30—90
ME d (Irrigation land R2)
Size >60 Size >60
Saturationzz 0. 8
(Arid/Irrigation land)
Saturationzz 0. 8
Hue;90—120 (Arid land R,)
(b) DGs
Figure 4. An example of discrimination graphs and homogeneous region
The interpretation of a homogeneous region quadtree
is done by assigning the quadtrees to a class based on
how closely the observed set of the region attributes