Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

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A classification of accuracy leads to the relation o, » o, » 
05; therefore these figures will be improved if data of cartog- 
raphy, photogrammetry, and surveying is merged with each 
2 Block adjustment with 
independent models 
In order to apply the chaining procedure for checking the 
metric quality of map digitizing the underlying adjustment 
model is reviewed. The important criteria of block adjust- 
ment with independent models (K. Schwidesfky/F. Acker- 
mann, 1976) are extented to: 
e the computing units can be isolated map regions, whole 
maps and image pairs 
e the functional relation between the model/object space 
is a spatial similarity transform 
e the block unit is constrained by means of control 
points, additional check points, and in case of pho- 
togrammetric images the perspective centres 
Fig. 1 gives the well-known individual position of the dif- 
ferent independent models. 
Fig. 1: Connection of independent models to a block unit 
(from K. Schwidesfky/F. Ackermann, p. 206) 
The spatial similarity transform can be derived by differ- 
ential or purely geometric considerations (K.R. Koch, 1987). 
Let be B the matrix of coefficients providing for three trans- 
lations, three rotations and a change in scale (K.R. Koch/D. 
Fritsch, 1981) 
1 0 0 1 0 
0 1 0 0 1 
0 0 1 0 0 
In this matrix the coordinates X;,Y;, Z; can be approxi- 
mate values of the object coordinates of point P;; in case of a 
two-dimensional transform this matrix shrinks to two trans- 
lations, one rotation and the scale change simply by deletion 
of the third row and the third column, and the forth and 
fifth row. 
Thus, for every model j the following observation equa- 
tions are valid 
Xi fo fvi rv 0 -Z Y X\jan 
Y]-vej«Ivi-Ful-Fz-w vlla 
2f Nw Nl (Vois LT x v zin 
| i \dA 
In short we can write (2) as 
E(l;) = bj+vi; =x: — Byp;,  D()-ePB? (3) 
in which /;; is the observation vector for point P; in model 
j and vj its corresponding residual vector, z; is the vector 
of unknown object coordinates of point P, Bj; contains the 
coefficients of the similarity transform und p; is the vector 
of the seven unknown datum parameters of model j. The 
operators E and D characterise expectation and dispersion 
Control points can be considered twice: on the one hand 
non-random coordinates constrain (2) in form of the linear 
equation system 
He =0 (4) 
and on the other hand random coordinates deliver additional 
observation equations 
V}|+|wv|=|V ; D( V ) = a 0 Ovy 
W » vy J. W f. W [; 0 0 OWW 
1 i V % 
The parameter estimation by means of least-squares is done 
using (3) - known as Gauss Markov model — in which the 
residuals are minimized according to 
loll} = min (6 
subject toH z — 0 
if non-random control points exist. 
3 Hypothesis testing 
Testing the parameters and residuals of the parameter esti- 
mation we have to decide on the distribution of the resid- 
uals. This means the chain of hypothesis tests we propose 
is highly dependend on these results. For that reason two 
main approaches have to be outlined which may depend on 
the Normal Distribution and symmetric distributions respec- 
3.1 Hypothesis tests based on Normal 
In order to verify the results of the parameter estimation 
let us first start with checking the residuals. Therefore the 
following initial test has to be solved: 

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