Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

squares estimation which has widely been used. 
Minimum Description Length (MDL) principle 
studies estimation based upon the principle of 
minimizing the total number of binary digits 
required to rewrite the observed data, when each 
observation is given with some precision. Instead of 
attempting at an absolutely shortest description, it 
looks for the optimum relative to a class of 
parametrically given distributions. 
The MDL principle can be generally expressed as 
L(<,®) = L(x/®) + L(@) (1) 
L() is a measure of the uncertainty of an 
event and its unit is "bit". 
L(x,O) is the total number of bits to describe 
the observed data when we introduce the 
model. "x" expresses the observed data, and 
"O" represents the model parameters. 
L(x/©) is the number of bits to describe the 
data if assuming the model is known. 
L(®) is the number of bits to describe the 
L(x,O) is the least information content required to 
remove the uncertainty in the observation and 
describe the model. Thus, the number ot bits 1n a 
description required for the interpretation of the 
observation becomes a measure of simplicity. 
The main power of the MDL principle is that it permits 
estimates of the entire model, its parameters, their 
number, and even the way the parameters appear in the 
model; i.e., the model structure [Ressanen,78,83,84]. 
Bayesian Estimation has been successfully used in 
scene reconstruction [Zheng], while MDL principle 
has been applied in the image segmentation and 
feature extraction [Fua,89a,89b,91] [Leclerc,89,90] 
[Keeler]. The reason on the different applications is 
that it is reasonable to apply probability theory to 
analysis the raster image when we assume the 
image is a stochastic process, but is has not been 
proven that BE can be applied to analysis structural 
phenomena, which is sometime considered in the 
integration of statistic and structural pattern 
recognition. The flexibility of MDL is that we can 
treat (1) simply as a new criterion, while forgetting 
its background on statistics and information theory. 
If we can not derive a precise descriptive language 
or encoding scheme to describe an event by a 
number of bits based on Shannon's first theorem, an 
approximated scheme can still be used. The resulted 
estimation is the relative optimal result constrained 
by the approximated encoding scheme. 
Examples of encoding using MDL 
. encoding the image intensity 
The interior intensities of an image region can 
be modelled by a smooth intensity with a 
Gaussian distribution of deviations from the 
surface. The formula for this problem has 
been solved by Hua and Hanson [Fua,91]: 
L, = n,(logo + c) + 8n, + 
n fo 
[n;log( —) * n,log(—)] * N, (2) 
ni m 
c= Liog2ne 
L, : number of bits to describe intensity 
information in a region 
ny,  : total number of pixels in one region 
n, : number of pixels in the Gaussian 
n, : number of outliers 
N, : number of bits to describe surface 
o : standard deviation of intensity noise 
In (2), first item is the cost of Huffmann- 
encoding the pixels in a Gaussian peak, 
second item is the cost of encoding the pixel 
outliers, third one is the entropy for encoding 
the pixel on whether it is or is not a 
anomalous and fourth term specifies the 
coding of the model. 
. encoding shape of region 
In this paper, we give an example modelling 
on shape on which the ideal region boundary 
composes a number of straight line segments. 
For a straight line, its digitalization fulfils the 
chord property which states [Hung,85] that "a 
digital arc A is said to have the chord 
property if for every two digital points, the 
chess-board distance of any point of arc A to 
the straight line nowhere exceeds 1". We 
consider the points on a curve which do not 
meet the chord property as outliers, and such 
outliers are constrained by their neighbours. 
The cost required to describe the image region 
shape is formulated as:

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