Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

; Four 
Prof. Zhang ZhuXun, Mr. Min Y 
iren, Prof. Zhang Jianqing 
Wuhan Technical Universty of surve ying and mapping 
Commission ITI of ISPRS 
In this paper the standard algorithm of the straight-line Hough 
F.O.Gorman and M.B.Clowes are analysed. The author prese 
which solves the contradiction between the running time and a 
Transformation and the modified algorithm presented by 
nis a new modified algorithm of Hough Transformation, 
ccuracy. In order to get the position of the straight-line , a 
straight-line recovering system is defined. On this base, region segmentation using Graph Theory is presented. The 
satisficatory experiment results with aerial photographs are shown finnaly. 
key words: Image segmentation, Hough Transformation, straight-line recovering, Graph theory, region segmentation 
For the large scale image of a city area, existent methods 
of image matching may be not suitalbe. The edge 
extraction and image segmentation based on the 
description of image structure seem to be the first step of 
the new strategy, not only in matching of city images, But 
also in image analysis and interpretation. One of image 
segmentation methods, which divides the image into 
some regions with even grey level(colour, or texture), is 
the edge detection, and Hough transformation is the 
importent techniqne of edge detection. It is used in many 
fields to extract various curves successfully. but, there is 
a contradiction between the running time and the accuracy 
in the transformation procedure, and the description of 
the regions is necessary for image processing in the 
higher level, after edges are extracted. 
Based on the analyses of the traditional algorithm of 
straight line Hough transformation and the modified 
algorithm proposed by Gorman and Clowes(1976), a 
new algorithm is proposed, in which the information of 
gradient direction is used more reasonably. 
A straight line recovering system is designed in order to 
locate the straight line. then, image segmentaion can be 
carried out through the regions are described by the 
edges using Graph Theory. The experiment results with 
real images will be shown finally. 
The straight line equation used by Hough is 
Because k may be unlimited, the normal line equation was 
proposed by Duda and Hart(1972) 
where g and g are the direction angle and length of the 
normal line of the straight line. 
2.1. Traditional Algorithm 
step 1: extracting feature points with edge detection 
step 2: quantizing the parameter plane as h(m,n) with 
initial value Zero, where m-INT(z/dg)-1, 
n=INT(2R/dp)+1, de and dp are the intervals of 
quantization, R=sqri(L2+W2)/2, L and W are the length 
and width of the image. 
step 3: for each feature point(xg, yy), 
where i=0,1,..,m, 0j=i-d0> p;=xkcos0j+yksin0;, 
step 4: detecting the extreme maximum points of the 
parameter plane h. The extreme maximum point (ij) 
conresponds to the straight line parameters 6;=i-d6 and 
p= i-dp. 
In this algorithm, the calculation is carried out from 6; to 
6m: If the high accuracy is expected, then, the dé should 
be small and m will be large. — The running time must be 
much. Beside, determination of the threshold of extreme 
point detection is difficult, and there are some false 
straight lines. 
2.2. Modified algorithm of Gorman and Clowes 
Other steps are the same as in traditional algorithm except 
step 5: for each feature point(xy,yx). calculating the 
direction 6j. of its gradient with Roberts operator or Sobel 
operator and  poy-XycosOytyysin(y , — i-INT(6,/d6), 
j-INT(pw/do), h(.j)-h(.j)*1. 
In this way, (xy. yx; corresponds to only one point (6,9) 
on parameter plane. The summation is only performed in 
one cell of parameter plane h. However, there is noise on 
* The investigation is supported by National Nature funds and National Bureau of Surveying and Mapping of P.R. China 

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