Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

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In order to be feasible, height Z; at the center 
of each ground resolution X;,Y; is described by 
patchwise continuous bilinear models: 
when performing experiments with respect to 
the model integrating image matching and 3D 
positioning. Our national 40 x 40m? digital ter- 
(Xm+1 7 Xi)(Ynii - Y) 
Zi = Zn nT 
(Ani mm Xo Yui - Ya) ; 
(en c - X 
(Xi TES X mn) (Yn+1 = Y) 
(X rl =. E) Ts Ya) 
(Xi - X205 = Va) 
Zm,n m+1,n 
(Xm+1 T Xm)(Ya+ı = Y.) io = Xm)(Yn41 — 7} Tiki (4) 
Heights oo nma Emi ahs Born ee Vr Lem ie vite 
at nodes of a square grid are treated as primary 
unknown parameters in the combined Eqs.(3b,4). 
In fact, …Zm,n stand for the digital elevation 
model (DEM) we are interested in. So, we con- 
duct iterative digital image matching by mini- 
mizing the weighted sum of squares of gray-value 
residuals and, simultaneously, arrive at object- 
space 3D point determination. For theories in a 
stricter sense that gray-value ”truth” with each 
ground resolution is also asked for, readers can 
refer to among others Ebner and Heipke(1988) 
and Wrobel(1991). 
A stereoscopic SPOT image pair is selected for 
studying our models, see Table 1. 
As far as the model for space resection with 
Eqs. (1,2) is concerned, we summarize accuracy 
results at 25 independent check points in Ta- 
ble 2. The number for dynamic sensor stations 
varies from 3 to 5. Ground control coordinates 
have throughout +50m a priori standard devia- 
tions while 6 additional self-calibrating parame- 
ters are treated as free parameters. Better accu- 
racies result when 4 sensor stations are chosen, a 
plot of which is shown in Fig.1. We also see that 
cross-track accuracy in Y is better than along- 
track accuracy in X. This confirms the fact that 
SPOT imagery shows better cross-track geomet- 
ric quality. When two ground control points lie 
between two adjacent sensor stations a solution 
for space resection can converge regulaily, i.e. 
nonlinear Eqs. (1,2) are fulfilled in about 7 iter- 
ations to within 1.0 x 107*?[mm] . 
. Space resection for SPOT stereo images yields 
the orientation parameters p/, p" and a for use 
in Eqs.(3b,4). The parameters are held fixed 
rain model (DTM) is derived from conventional 
aerial photographies using analytical plotters. 
Use of the DTM is made to interpolate heights 
for 20x 20m? or 50x 50m? grids. They represent 
reference heights adopted in comparison with 
heights estimated form SPOT sub-images, see 
upper left quadrants in Fig.2a. Table 3 reveals 
typical results on generation of digital elevation 
models. In general, the nonlinear functional re- 
lationship Eqs.(3b,4) can be satisfied at 9596 to 
within 0.1 digital counts in 10 iterations. We 
notice that the integrated approach works for 
spaceborne images but weight constraints have 
to be imposed on the estimated height parame- 
ters. Extensive cases are still being studied. In 
3. EXPERIMENTS WITH SPOT IMAGERY particular, it is required to construct more reli- 
able reference DEMs for accuracy analyses. 
After geometric relationship between object-space 
elements and picture elements is reconstructed 
in a convergent solution, direct by-products out 
of the integrated approach are orthographic im- 
ages. Fig.2a illustrates digital orthographic im- 
ages. Their difference image and its histogram 
are shown in Fig.2b from which it is evident that 
the mean of differences in gray values is near 
zero and the distribution nearly Gaussian. 
For SPOT imagery, our mathematical models 
used in space resection and in the integrated ap- 
proach to image matching and 3D positioning 
are documented. In the course of our experi- 
ments, piecewise continuous linear modeling for 
time-dependent position and attitude parame- 
ters appears quite realistic when we consider the 
fact that SPOT stereo images of about 4? field of 
view have in our case 0.65 as a base-to-height ra- 
tio. SPOT scene CCTs contain orbital informa- 
tion, see CNES and SPOT Image(1988), which 

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