Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

Table 1. Brief description of a pair of panchromatic 1A images over central 
Taiwan from SPOT. 
Base to height ratio : 0.65 
Heights above ground 827338 m 827271 m 
Sensors on SPOT HRV2 HRV1 
Incidence angles L10.4* R24.1^ 
Data acquired on 15 Jan. 1987 16 Jan. 1987 
Overlapping area : 57 km X 40 km 
Table 2. Accuracies in terms of root mean square errors in a local horizon 
system at 25 stationary check points. 
3 stations 4 stations 5 stations 
Accuracies [m] at check points in 
X Y Z X y / X Y Z 
25 6.83 4.66 7.20 7.16 4.51 5.17 7.43 4.72 5.64 
20 6.73 5.01 7.28 6.89 4.76 5.9] 6.75 4.86 6.15 
GCPs | 15 6.97 5.69 7.48 7.41 5.05 5.59 6.46 5.03 6.63 
10 7.56 5.95 7.37 7.24 4.64 5.52 7.56 4.66 6.26 
6 8.25 5.26 7.81 7.54 5.95 6.32 11.59...67.49. 148.10 
31.90.11 580.10 340.00 94.06 575.00 626.60 112.40 659.50 838.10 
Table 3. Accuracies in height derived from the integrated model for image 
matching and 3D positioning (radiometric parameters ro, r; in Eq.(3b) 
get little weighting; in the 1 x 1km? test area maximum height difference 
Afimaz =-81.49m-. 
Height approxi- terrain form average 
mation using given plane 
A priori standard 
deviations for +. 30m 
5m + 30m + 5m 
Height accuracies [m] by the integrated approach 
50.x.50 mnm. grid 
(21 X. 21 nodes) 16.39 8.61 16.58 11.56 
20 x 20.m. grid 
(51.X 51 nodes) 16.14 4.89 17.64 11.11 

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