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Now, if a look at existing software is taken, one
will probably find out that most components (data
bases; functional, statistical and numerical modules)
are more or less alike. However, the discrete parts
are either very different or, even worse, they are not
clearly separated from the rest of the software. This
is an indication that, still today, the discrete model
and the corresponding discrete software modules are
missing concepts in our systems.
As a discrete network model the concept of hyper-
graph is proposed [2][p. 389] (see as well [5, 6]). If
V is a a finite non empty set and E, E C P(V), a
family of non empty subsets of V such that
U E -v,
then the couple H, H — (V, E), is called a hypergraph.
The elements of V are referred to as the vertices of the
hypergraph. The edges or hyperedges are the elements
of E.
The vertices of the hypergraph clearly correspond
to the network parameters and the hyperedges to
the observations. Note the n-to-1 correspondence be-
tween observations and hyperedges and, accordingly,
the same correspondence between the design block
[sparse] matrix of the adjustment. An additional ad-
vantage [5], is that if H is a network discrete model
—i.e., a hypergraph— then the representative graph
G of the dual hypergraph H* is the graph of the net-
work in the usual sense: an edge between two vertices
(parameters) exists if the two parameters are involved
in a same observation.
In short, all the structural information of the net-
work is contained in its associated hypergraph. (For
other additional properties see [5, 6].)
The coding of the first modules of GeoTeX/ACX
started by the end of 1988. Their architecture is a
compromise between the ideas described here, in [4,
5, 6], and the means available.”
5.1 GeoTeX architecture
From the architectural standpoint, GeoTeX is a sys-
tem consisting of two types of software components:
heavyweight and desktop applications. This classi-
fication is based on two criteria: the complexity of
5To be honest, the maturing of some of these ideas were not
completely independent of the simultaneous realization of the
Type Complexity Environment Examples
Main High Full ACX, GAI
Utility Medium Full Plotting
Desktop Low None Coordinate transf.
Table 1: GeoTeX software components.
the functions to be implemented by the software —
and therefore, its size— and the working environ-
ment required. Within the context of the GeoTeX
system, a working environment is a standardized set
of input/output files, user procedures and system re-
sources. See Section 4.1 for a description of the Geo-
TeX I/O kernel and Section 5.2 for more information
about procedures.
Heavyweight applications are the most complex
and a full working environment is required. On the
contrary, an almost non-existent environment is used
to run the much simpler desktop applications (usu-
ally, screen interaction).
From a photogrammetric/geodetic point of view,
the heavyweight applications are divided into main
and utility applications. This classification is made
for the sake of practical use. Main applications
are much more demanding in terms of computer re-
sources (usually main applications are executed in
batch mode and utility applications in interactive
The software components of the GeoTeX system
are listed in Table 1.
The GeoTeX files may be classified into two groups:
user and system files. The user files are those cre-
ated and modified by the user during the life of each
project (that is, the usual input/output files required
by any system).
The system files are the implementation —using
the available resources and tools— of the abstract
data types used to model geodetic data. These files
remain unchanged during the exploitation of the sys-
tem but may be modified by the advanced users to
upgrade or expand GeoTeX (correspond to the Geo-
TeX input files in Figure 3).
In a near future (see Section 6 and Fig-
ure 3), GeoTeX will be able to interface with
geodetic/photogrammetric, topographic and other
databases by means of utility applications.
A workstation (with the set of graphic/alpha-
numeric functionalities required to run the selected
interface level) and a DIN A3 fast PostScript plotter
—for work plots— is the minimum local configura-
tion recommended to run GeoTeX. Additionally, a
link to the LAN of the organization would be advis-
able —mainly when photogrammetric/geodetic etc.