Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

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, v : 
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0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 
angle EPI [gon] angle EPI [gon] 
Figure 6a Figure 6b 
Figure 6a and 6b show the same results as figure 5a and 
5b but with the standard deviation of the estimated 
metric parameter r instead of 6, q, y. 
0 0 
10/91 17184 4715443157 all 12/87 15/83 25/74 38162 _ all 
angles EPI. [por] angles EPI [gon] 
Figure 7a Figure 7b 
Figure 7 shows the standard deviations of the horizon- 
tal distances between corner points of building A (7a) 
and building B (7b) in respect to different combinations 
of angle EPI. Results without (dark) and with (white) 
constraints are presented. 
; 1 
; . 4 
0 i 
3 1 
112 34 45 mean 67 — 89 mean 
image pair image pair 
Figure 8a: Figure 8b: 
Figure 8a and 8b show the standard deviations of the 
horizontal distances between the corner points of buil- 
ding A and B. The results of the first three columns of 
figure 8a (building A) and the first two columns of 
figure 8b (building B) are calculated based on the data 
from one stereo model. The last column of the figures 
present the mean value calculated using all measured 
image data. 
% % 
Ea fa 
: : 
$n sn 
N 0 
0 ; 0 
10191 17184 4715443157 all 12/87 1518325174 38162 all 
angles EPI [gon] angles EPI [gon] 
Figure 9a: Figure 9b: 
Figure 9a and 9b shows the standard deviations of the 
height differences of the corner points of building A 
(9a) and building B (9b) in respect to different combina- 
tions of angle EPI. Results without (dark) and with 
(white) geometric constraint are presented. 
§ ga 
3 3 10 
N o 
ia 34 45 mean 67 89 mean 
image pair Image pair 
Figure 10a: Figure 10b: 
Figure 10a and 10b show the standard deviations of the 
height differences for building A and B. The results of 
the first three columns of figure 10a (building A) and 
the first two columns of figure 10b (buidling B) are 
calculated based on one stereo model. The last column 
of the figures present the mean value calculated using 
all stereoscopically measured data.

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