Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

200 km/h. The interpolation of the GPS position is usually 
linear between the 2 neighbour positions. In 1 sec the aircraft 
moves about 55 m, at 200 km/h. Hence the GPS measuring 
rate should preferably be shorter than 1 sec, in order to keep 
the deviation between the actual flight path and the linearly 
interpolated positions small (< 10 cm). Also a more sophis- 
ticated interpolation procedure is recommended. 
There is a second approach by which the time interpolation 
can be avoided. If the signal for camera exposure is given by 
the GPS system, it can be arranged that the camera expo- 
sure coincides nearly with a GPS observation. In that case 
an interpolation is not required at all or it can be kept simple 
and safe if it has to bridge only 0.1 sec or less. 
The second kind of correction reduces the (interpolated) GPS 
antenna position onto the perspective centre of the camera. 
For that purpose the off-set coordinate components must be 
known. They can be measured directly at the airplane, by 
tacheometric ground survey, for instance. The off-set compo- 
nents should refer to the axis system of the aircraft. 
The computational reduction of the GPS antenna position to 
the camera position is wanted with regard to the coordinate 
system of the kinematic GPS positioning. For that purpose 
the attitude parameters of the aircraft must be known. They 
may be measured directly by INS. In connection with aerial 
triangulation there is another solution, as the attitude pa- 
rameters of the photographs can be derived from the first 
iterations of the combined blockadjustment. In that case, 
however, the zero-settings of the camera have to be consid- 
ered, especially the crab setting, which is to be kept constant 
during a flight strip and should be manually or automatically 
recorded during the flight. 
The off-set corrections do not require precise attitude data. 
The reduction is particularly insensitive if the GPS antenna 
is mounted more or less directly above the camera. In that 
case the horizontal off-set component is small and may be 
negligible altogether. The z-correction is then reduced to a 
constant and the remaining x- and y-corrections amount to 
only 3.5 cm per degree tilt, for a 2 m vertical off-set. Thus 
tilt corrections can be neglected in most cases, except for the 
high precision demands of large scale photography. 
2.2 Ambiguity solution, signal interrup- 
tion, drift errors 
There is a second group of problems, related to the ambigu- 
ity solution of phase observations and the risk of cycle slips 
and signal interruptions. 
Carrier wave phase observations measure only the phase shift 
within one cycle. The total integer number of cycles, the sig- 
nal has travelled through from the satellite to the receiver, 
remains unknown. Those initial unknown phase ambiguities 
are to be solved before the kinematic positioning can start. 
In the case of relative positioning by one stationary receiver 
on the ground and one receiver in the aircraft the problem 
can be solved by stationary recordings of both receivers be- 
fore take-off. There are two cases: Either start from a known 
base-line (both receivers at known GPS points), or deter- 
mine an initial base-line from the known stationary receiver 
position to the unknown position of the also stationary air- 
craft receiver. The simultaneous stationary recordings had 
to continue, until recently, for about one hour, in order to 
solve safely for all initial phase ambiguities. Recently fast 
ambiguity solutions have been developed which reduce the 
stationary recording time to a few minutes. Once the initial 
phase ambiguities are solved the receivers stay locked on the 
satellites! carrier waves during the flight, until an interrup- 
tion would occur. 
Unfortunately, there are several effects which can cause sig- 
nal interruptions during the flight. They are known as cy- 
cle slips, signal obstruction by body and wings of a turn- 
ing aircraft, and changes of the number and constellation of 
recorded satellites. There is no need to go into any details 
here, as to the causes of such disturbancies. It suffice here 
to state that signal disruptions do occur during the flight 
missions and are not likely to be completely avoided. 
As direct effect of a signal disruption the ambiguity solu- 
tions are lost. In other words, the common system reference 
is lost and the continuity of the trajectory is interrupted. Re- 
cently, sophisticated software development has succeeded to 
bridge such gaps or jumps by applying prediction and filter 
techniques. In many cases the interruptions do not affect all 
signals, some satellites continue to be recorded with the help 
of which the lost signals can be reconnected. Software pro- 
grams become available which are capable of bridging signal 
interruptions and of reassessing and updating the phase am- 
biguity solutions. 
There are cases of quite serious signal interruptions which 
may extend over 10 sec or more. In such cases it is possible 
that the ambiguity solution can be restored only approx- 
imately. It is well established that approximate ambiguity 
solutions result in GPS drift errors which are, however, linear 
in first approximation. This brings us to the general prob- 
lem of GPS drift errors. Practically all experimental tests on 
kinematic GPS positioning have shown some systematic GPS 
drift errors, the typical magnitudes being in the order of 10 
cm to 50 cm per hour. It is a matter of controversy amongst 
experts what are the causes of systematic GPS drift errors 
and whether they can be avoided completely. 
From an operational point of view it has to be accepted as a 
fact, for the time being, that signal discontinuities may oc- 
cur during a flight mission, especially during flight turns. It 
has equally to be accepted that there may be small GPS drift 
errors, possibly as a result of incomplete phase ambiguity so- 
lutions, or for other reasons. Considering on the other hand 
that linear GPS drift errors can be assessed and corrected 
subsequently, during combined blockadjustment, it can be 
concluded that no particular efforts need to be made to avoid 
drift errors. They can be just accepted and dealt with dur- 
ing the blockadjustment. This is an operational considera- 
tion which holds only in connection with aerial triangulation. 
It has, however, convenient operational consequences. If we 
cannot rule out signal interruptions during the flight with the 
consequence of reassessment of phase ambiguities there is no 
point in determining the initial phase ambiguities by sta- 
tionary recordings before take-off. It can be recommended, 
therefore, referring to GPS aerial triangulation flights, not to 
Jud Fn frr M.

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