Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

Li Deren 
Gong Jianya 
Department of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 
Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping 
Wuhan, China 
In the literature a number of proposals have been made for an unified data structure to represent vector 
and raster data. The unified data structure is based on linear quadtree encoding and multi-grids 
technique, and it can combine the advantages of vector and raster structures and support an integrated 
system to contain GIS, DTM and RS. 
In this data structure, all geometric data are expressed by the address keys of linear quadtrees instead 
of X and Y coordinates. In order to improve the representation precision of raster, an approach for fine- 
dividing grids is proposed, on the other hand, in order to index database, an indexing file based on 
linear quadtree is used. The location of a point is represented by two Morton keys, one of them indicates 
its location in the basic grid, and the other one corresponds to the fine-divided grid. A line feature is 
described with a set Morton keys, which contains not only the end points and sampling points but also 
consists of the whole route that passes the basic grids. Similarly, a surface feature consists of the 
borders similar to the line representation and the whole terrain area encircled by its borders. The 
surface features as coverage data can be stored as a two-dimensional run-encoding file. These geometric 
data can be considered as vector form or raster form or both. 
Key Words: Linear quadtree, Raster, Vector, Unified data structure, Two-dimensional run-encoding. 
There are two kinds of data structures: vector- 
based and raster-based, in the conventional 
geographical information system. The storage of 
data in a vector-based form is superior to the 
storage of that in raster form for several 
reasons. In the vector-based data structure the 
information stored follows the original data and 
the degree of approximation used in storing those 
data is controllable; generally, one piece of 
vector data may be used in representation of more 
than one features (for instance, a wall may be 
part of house and also the edge of a road), this 
contrasts with raster data, where each pixel may 
be shared by several features, whereas in a 
raster data overlay, each pixel can represent 
only one kind of feature; there are also problems 
of resolution with raster data, a line of length 
less than the pixel size being indistinguishable 
from a point in the raster image; the vector data 
are more compact than raster data, as the white 
space of the map need not be represented; the 
vector structure has the better topological 
representation than the raster one. 
A major disadvantage of vector data with respect 
to raster data is that they do not contain 
explicit two dimension relationships. To do an 
operation such as ’ Finding all features near 
this roadway in 5 kilometers’ can require a great 
deal of work. To do the set operations 
(intersection, union, subset) will be very 
difficult in the vector data structure. The 
raster data structure can just overcome the 
disadvantages of the vector data structure. On 
the other hand, the combination between remote 
sensing and GIS is on the increase. In order to 
do the geographical analysis by combining the 
remote sensing data in raster-based form with 
conventional GIS in the vector-based form, it is 
necessary to convert the vector data in GIS into 
raster data. 
A multiple functions GIS is often required to do 
convertion between vector data and raster data. 
Thus, to find a data structure containing the 
vector and raster data becomes increasingly 
interesting. It can combine the advantages of the 
vector and the raster data structures. Some 
schemes for the integration of the two kinds of 
data has been investigated (B. Sonne & B. Zillien 
1990, M. Molenaar & D. Fritsch 1990). 
In the geographic information system, a necessary 
evolution is the integration of it with remote 
sensing (Ehlers et al. 1989). There are three 
kinds of integration strategies, which are 
defined as "separate but equal", "seamless 
integration", and "total integration". The total 
integration is the highest level one and the 
long-term goal. In this kind of system, a very 
important thing is to design an unified data 
structure to represent vector and raster data and 
an integrated database to combine attribute, 
geometry, DTM and RS. 
| Image / Carto /Database processing | 
Unified data structure to represent vector and raster 
Integrated database to combine GIS, DTM and RS 
Figure 1 Total integration of GIS, DTM and RS 
Currently, the quadtree has received considerable 
attention as a data structure for GIS application 
(Mark and Lauzon 1989, Yong Hongguang 1990, 
Molenaar and Fritsch 1990). Quadtrees appear to 
have many advantages for handling coherent 
spatial data, and especially good for 
geographical overlays. 
This paper first introduces linear quadtree and 
two-dimensional  run-encoding. A strategy to 
improve the representation precision of raster 
and an indexing method based on linear quadtree 
are presented in section 3. In the section 4, the 
data structures of three typical features are 
discussed. Finally section 5 draws some 
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