Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

3.2 Rough Grids for Indexing 2DRE File 
It is often necessary to access only a part of 
the spatial database, that is, to index into the 
database and retrieve only data pertaining to a 
particular area. B'* tree is a popular approach 
in a general database. However, B** trees do not 
map directly into the quadtree structure, that 
is, there is no logical correspondence between 
the two structures. Accordingly, a block of the 
B-tree covers an irregular varying unit of space 
Within the quadtree. 
To overcome this problem, a quadtree indexing 
method is proposed, where the index corresponds 
to some higher (non-leaf node) level of the 
quadtree and so gives a regular division of 
space, which is termed rough grid and is also 
encoded in Morton key(MO). A limitation when 
generating 2DRE is that a "leaf node" can not 
exceed a rough grid. The index is also stored as 
a linear list in Morton key. The sequences of the 
records in the index file implicitly represent 
Morton keys(MO) so MO can be not written in the 
index file. Each record of the index contains 
only the number of bytes from the start of the 
file (Figure 6). 
M1 | Value 
ee 0 Pl 
(MO)Pointed | | 
0 o e uci 256 | L4 
t res "e 
Eddie TI 
2 12406 | =k Bi 
3 130942 — 768 | LA 
3320| P2 
Figure 6. Rough grid index for 2DRE 
The index readily provides random access into a 
"leaf node” of 2DRE. to retrieve data at 
particular point, the Morton key(M1) of the point 
in the basic grid is divided by the rough grid 
size, and a Morton key(MO0) in rough grid is 
obtained. This gives the number of the relevant 
index record, from which the number of bytes can 
be used to retrieve the relevant point portion of 
the 2DRE. This portion is then searched linear 
until the required point is found. 
There are three types of features including 
points, lines, and surfaces. Several files may 
exist, each of them contains information on a 
primitive element or a kind of feature. 
4.1 Data Structure of the Point Features 
A point feature may simultaneously be an 
intersection of several lines. Therefore we treat 
the point features and the intersections of lines 
as the same objects, which are called nodes and 
Stored in the same data file. 
A node can be geometrically described only by its 
location. Node data would be held as files in 
Which each node was represented by two Morton 
keys M1 and M2 of the node, M1 and M2 represent 
respectively the Morton key of the basic grid and 
that of the fine-grid in which the node is 
located. Each record in the node file would 
contain a node identifier NODE ID, two Morton 
keys M1 and M2 (see figure 7). 
m [3 
a E 
Figure 7. Structure of points 
4.2 Data Structure of the Line Features 
A line feature has a shape and should be 
described by the whole route of the line. It is 
suitable that line features are treated as vector 
structures. But in order to interface raster 
data, the vector structures are also represented 
by linear quadtree address keys. The coordinates 
X, y are converted into Morton keys M1 and M2. It 
is noted that the converted coordinates not only 
are those of the original sampling points but 
also include those of the intersection points 
between the line and each basic grid side(Figure 
Figure 8. Structure of ARC 
To consider a line feature may be divided into 
several arcs, an arc file should first be first 
created. Each arc uses a record in the arc file, 
which contains an arc identifier ARC_ID, two 
NODE_IDs of the start-node and the end-node of 
the arc, a string of Morton keys M1 and M2 of 
medium points. 
A line feature consists of arcs. Its data 
structure is linked with the file of the arcs. 
The structure contains a line identifier LINE ID 
and some ARC IDs of arcs composing the line 
4.3 Data Structure of 
the Surface Features 
A surface feature involves its borders and all 
the cells bound by its borders. The data 

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