Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

structure of the borders is similar to that of 
lines, while the cells are constructed by two- 
dimensional run-encoding(Figure 9). An overlay is 
represented by a 2DRE file. Because the 2DRE of 
an overlay can occupy a large file, an index file 
is necessary. 
Figure 9. Structure of surface 
In the 2DRE file, each "leaf node" uses a record, 
which contains only one Morton key M1, and a 
cycle pointer instead of the attribute/value of 
the "leaf node" in figure 4c. A purpose to set up 
pointers is to build the object-oriented data 
models. All leaves that belong to a surface 
feature are linked by the chain pointers, and 
connected with the data file of the surface 
The data structure of surface features should 
contain both the border information and the cell 
information. A surface feature uses a record 
which contains a surface identifier SURFACE ID, 
some ARC IDs of the boundary arcs and a pointer 
to point at the first "leaf node" record of the 
feature in the 2DRE file. 
4.4 Data Structure of 
the Complex Features 
A feature consisting of several features is 
called a complex feature. The data structure of 
complex feature contains a complex feature 
identifier COMPLEX_ID and some identifiers of its 
component features, which may be different types 
of features. 
4.5 Data Model Based on 
the Unified Data Structure 
The concepts of  object-orientation can be 
employed to build the geometric data models. In 
geometry, there are only three types of basic 
features and several primitive elements such as 
node, arc and "leaf node" in 2DRE. A feature 
consists of one or more primitive elements, more 
than one features may compose a more complex 
objects. Some underlying data are propagated from 
the components to the composite object in terms 
of the identifiers or the pointers. On the other 
hand, aggregation would be helpful to share the 
common objects, which could establish the 
topological relationships among objects. The data 
models including the primitive elements, the 
simple and the complex features are shown in the 
following diagram. 
| Complex feature | 
simple feature 
T P 
(‘Point toate} 
Fig. 10. Data model based 
on unified data structure 
The arrows in the diagram express the identifier 
linking or the pointers in the data files, the 
ellipses contain the most primitive data in GIS. 
The diagram shows that the vector structures and 
the raster structures do not have any obvious 
distinctions because they use the same primitive 
data format--Morton key, which can guarantee the 
unified data structure serve the two kinds of 
This paper has discussed the linear quadtree and 
two-dimensional run-encoding, fine-divided grids 
for improving the representation precision of 
raster and rough grids for indexing 2DRE file. A 
modeling of an unified data structure and a data 
model based on the structure has been proposed 
for future GIS. The data structures based on 
linear quadtree has been formed by using the 
object-oriented programming language C'*. The 
data models according to Fig. 10 have been built 
by using the same language. It has illustrated 
that the structures are powerful for analysing 
and processing the geoinformation. Some 
algorithms based on the data structure, such as 
spatial querying, automatically establishing 
topological relations among features, directly 
converting vector data into linear quadtree and 
the linear quadtree into vector data, are 
developed. Here are some examples for statial 
analysing and data processing: figure 11 is an 
example for querying all susfaces neighbouring 
the the Surface A; figure 12 is an example for 
querying all surfaces relating to the Line A; 
figure 13 is a result of an intersection set 
operation; figure 14 is an example converting 
vector into linear quadtree; and figure 15 is a 
vector map from linear quadtree. The database 
with the unified data structure may need more 
storage space than the single vector structure, 
but with the development of the hardware it is 
not a crucial issue. 

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