In the past, also functions of higher order differences of
Z,, have been proposed for stabilization. Twomey (see
HUANG, 1975, pp. 187) found, that any constraint, which
is quadratic in Z,,, may be used to produce a solution
resembling (4) with (6). This finding has been fairly
well confirmed by RAUHALA et al, 1989, when compu-
ting a Digital Terrain Model (= DTM) from scattered
Z-data and comparing 15 different constraining functions.
So, one has to use one type of constraining function, but
in general it is not decisive, which one.
model of
object surface 7 X>Y
facets of
opt. density D(X,Y
facets of
object opt. density
Fig. 1.1: FAST Vision: Simultaneous reconstruction of object
surface Z(XY) and optical object density
D(XY) or object grey value function G(X.Y)
However, the presence of breaklines in the surface or of
other non-smooth surface elements and their reconstruc-
tion is the weak point for the application of such a
functional. Applying the functional (6) with a large
weight A, can lead to errors, if the terrain to be recon-
structed really is "rough". Surface edges may degenerate
to arcs.
Since breaklines of topography or edges of workpieces
play a fundamental role for morphologically correct
reconstruction or for object recognition and for other
postprocessing tools of object surface data, it has to be an
ultimate goal to preserve these object characteristics as
well as possible. Therefore, the following rule has to be
pursued: As much regularization as necessary - as little
regularization as possible. This rule emphazises the priority
of data consistency in (4), and consequently, the
necessity for optimal or near optimal local weights A,
instead of one global parameter A. In this context, there
are many proposals (see HUANG, 1975, pp. 184,
WEIDNER, 1991).
Now, the new regularization principle, given here, also
relies on a curvature functional, but with a substantial
difference to all approaches discussed so far: We do not
regard the expectation of surface curvature to be zero. In
our opinion, this assumption is true very rarely, both
globally and locally. Therefore, the approximation to
reality only by proper weighting is very crucial. In
contrast to these approaches, we are introducing estimates of
local surface curvature c with non-zero expectation. We
are minimizing only their residuals together with the
error functional of the image grey values, ie.
find z, minimizing llAz - bl? « X IK Bz - o)IP? CD
Here, the adaption to locally quickly changing surface
curvatures will be obtained primarily by the estimated
curvature values c themselves, as will be shown later.
A. now, is of minor importance.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: In
section 2 a brief presentation of surface reconstruction by
facets stereo vision (= FAST Vision) is given. Section 3
reports on numerical results of FAST Vision, stabilized
only by proper choice of facets or by standard curvature
minimization. The theory of the new method will be
derived in section 4, section 5 numerical
examples in comparison with the former methods will be
demonstrated. Finally, section 6 contains some remarks
on open questions.
and in
2. Object Surface Reconstruction by Facets Stereo Vision
(FAST Vision): The Basic Equations
Facets Stereo Vision is a method developed by Wrobel
(WROBEL, 1987, 1991), which fulfills the task of simul-
taneous reconstruction of object surface Z(X,Y) and object
grey value function G(X,Y). The relationship of a point
on a surface and its images in the pictures P,P … can be
described with regard to radiometric and geometric
characteristics. If the sensor, with which the picture was
taken, is a metric camera, the geometric relation between
the object coordinates X.Y.Z and the image coordinates
x.y in P is given by the well-known perspective
n Oxo OY rZ
x=xa- "e (8)
O Hai X Kol ing C l-lg 2-29) TK
1,4 X-X9) «t, 4 CY-Yo) r4 Z-Z0) :
Y= Ya- :e (9)
O rngOCXorl-Yg 42-29) TK
Xo9.yo9 and c, are the interior orientation parameters,
Xo lo Zg and n; are the exterior orientation parameters.
In this paper all these are assumed to be known.
The radiometric relation between an object grey value
G(X,Y) and image grey values is modelled by linear
transfer functions T, T', . . ., which are invertable:
GO) =T(G(xy))=T(G (x y))=... (10)
with G, G' the grey values of pictures P, P,. . . .
Of course, sensors with a different geometry can be chosen
instead of (8), (9) and the transfer function does not
have to be linear. Now, an image ray defined by the pixel
coordinates x,y' and the perspective center Xo. Yo.Zo of
image P' may intersect with an approximation of the
surface at X9.Y9,Z9. Then the expansion of G(X.Y) into a
Taylor series leads to: