Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

6. Conclusions 
The theory of a stabilizing method for ill-posed problems 
has been given, applied for object surface reconstruction 
by FAST Vision and tested with some first experiments. 
In comparison to the often used procedure of curvature 
minimization, the following merits have evolved: 
e Surface reconstruction is definitely better, especially the 
reconstruction of edges or breaklines. 
e The results do not depend as much on the regula- 
rization parameters as they do with curvature mini- 
mization. So, the time consuming determination of local 
regularization parameters is not necessary. 
e The standard errors of the results are still directly 
affected by the regularization parameter. But with additional 
computer work, refined and more reliable standard errors 
may be computed. 
e In general, statistically well defined accuracy measures 
are at hand, since the approach is modeled as a Gauf- 
Markov estimation. 
Finally, the theory of adaptive regularization, section 4.. 
may be transfered to other problems with ill-posedness or 
ill-conditioning, e.g. least squares image matching or 
self-calibration of analytical photogrammetry. 
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These investigations are supported by Deutsche 

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