Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

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situations where it is not allowed to write : P(x|Class ) = 
P(x1|Class) x P(x2|Class) x ... P(xi|Class). 
This assumption of statistical independance is often 
assumed in fuzzy logic schemas. Therefore these 
methods are as weak as their assumptions. 
Model based image analysis concentrates on the 
estimation of model parameters from measurement 
data under a minimum cost optimisation rule. Good 
models have defined orthogonal parameters, so a first 
step in feature extraction should be model inversion. 
Each data source provides estimaters for its own model 
with its specific parameters. For example, multispectral 
data provides estimators for surface angle -> leaf angle 
distribution, shading of slopes and spectral reflectance 
-> the mixture of visible surfaces within a resolution 
element -> leaf area index. A temperature / heat 
balance model requires the complement of reflectance 
= absorption of radiation. From thermal data the 
emission can be measured and the temperature or 
emittance can be estimated. The microwave reflection 
model has parameters for surface normals, surface 
roughness and dielectric properties. 
Dependancies between models are initially estimated 
on the bases of a dimension analysis and on the form 
of the models involved. This is followed by an 
estimation of the cooccurence of parameters. In the 
end the total dependancy is represented by P(Class | 
datal, data2, data2,..) or its inverse P(data-i,.. | Class). 
The dependancy between class membership, context 
and data is first modelled and then adjusted to 
observed values for the model components. (context is 
modelled through local priors). 
Given the dependancies of all occuring (class, data), 
the availability of only one, or few data sources at a 
time can now be treated as a case of missing data ! 
4 Practice of multi source, multi class data. 
4.1 GIS + RS data. 
In the daily practice of RS data analysis and use of a 
GIS the types of data available for hypothesis 
evaluation and classification are : (old) maps or 
GIS(t=0) -> status at time=0, + data ; emitted photon 
data, reflected photon data, reflected (synthetic aper- 
ture/ real aperture) electro magnetic waves -> GIS(t+1). 
We assume that error correction and geo referencing 
procedures have been applied and that the source 
images have been segmented into surface objects -> 
scene objects. 
In model based scene analysis, a forward model is 
defined as a relation between scene object parameters 
and remotely sensed data. The analysis problem is 
mostly a problem of model inversion: RS data -> object 
Objects in a scene are labelled by attributed class 
names. The class names serve as a label indication 
groups of objects which have something in common ( 
which need not be something observable by (all 
sensors) remote sensing). This leads to the definition of 
classes and subclasses connected by reasoning about 
observability. The relation between an observable from a 
certain source and class membership of the scene 
object is the feature(vector). Features are often defined 
through the definition of the interaction model between 
object(class) and radiation -> data source. Feature 
determination is in that case equivalent to parameter 
The general classification schema is : 
maps, status of GIS -> class priors -> observable 
sourcei -> feature 1 -> class (likelihood) observable 
source2 -> feature 2 -> etc. 
Old maps, GIS data: are very usefull in the definition of 
prior probabitilies for classes per object, specially when 
combined with a Markov state transition probability 
algorithm [Middelkoop,1990,2]. It also helps in object 
detection in combination with one of many area seg- 
mentation procedures. 
Digital elevation models (from the GIS) are used for the 
prediction of shadow and shading effects via ray tracing 
Different sources lead to different features. Features are 
often parameters of models linking observables to object 

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