Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B4)

ing process. 
Typically, the model parameters which are refined during 
model optimization are the coefficients of polynomials which 
correct for systematic errors in the nominal trajectory of 
the imaging platform. Alternatively, one can optimize over 
Fourier series parameters. Adding other parameterizations 
would require adding new classes to GEOREG. However, by 
virtue of the object oriented design, this requires only a few 
lines of code. For instance, if a platform was known a prior? 
to change its pitch over time in a saw-tooth fashion, but the 
amplitude, frequency, phase and ratio between ascending and 
descending segments of the saw-tooth were unknown, then a 
class could be added to GEOREG which used the a prior: 
information on the shape of the pitch movement and allowed 
the unknown parameters like amplitude etc. to be estimated 
using GCPs and TIPs. To add this capability to GEOREG 
would require less than 10 lines of C++ code. 
Moreover, GEOREG is not restricted to refining platform pa- 
rameters but can be configured to simultaneously optimize 
any model parameter including sensor parameters such as 
camera focal length. Furthermore, when tie points are used 
GEOREG allows for the simultaneous nonlinear optimiza- 
tion of several acquisition models (or bundles) belonging to 
different images. 
After the acquisition model is constructed, a remapping pro- 
cess is initiated which resamples the raw image to a user 
selectable map projection using a user selectable resampling 
kernel. If a DEM of the region is available, the imagery may 
be orthorectified to remove any terrain-induced distortions 
in the raw imagery. 
These examples clearly illustrate that an object oriented de- 
sign is very well suited to providing the flexible structure 
necessary in a geocoding facility which has to accommodate 
very diverse a priori and a posteriori knowledge. 
The model parameter optimization mechanism relies on the 
availability of accurate GCPs and TIPs. Currently, there are 
two mechanism to generate a posterioriinformation: Manual 
marking and automatic correlation with a reference image. 
Manual marking of ground control points is accomplished 
by marking common features in both the raw image and an 
accurate map. Alternatively, the map can be replaced by an 
already geocoded reference image. On the other hand, tie 
points are marked in multiple raw images. 
Usually, only a few GCPs («14) can be economically hand 
marked. If more GCPs are required and an orthorectified 
reference image is available, automatic correlation is used. 
For this purpose, the raw image is resampled using only the 
nominal information or information derived from just a few 
manually marked GCPs. There are GEOREG utility pro- 
grams which allow the user to define a grid of control points 
in the raw image or in the reference image and then correlate 
the nominally resampled image with the reference image gen- 
erating GCPs near the grid points. For example, using this 
method, an orthorectified SPOT scene of the Drum Moun- 
tains region in Utah was successfully used as a base map 
to generate control points for an AVIRIS image of the same 
There is a marked difference between the geocoding of op- 
tical airborne imagery and satellite imagery. It is possible 
to accurately geocode satellite images using only a small 
number of GCPs (<10) [3]. In general, this is not true 
for airborne imagery which require a much larger number 
of GCPs to achieve subpixel accuracy. The reason is that 
aircraft are significantly less stable imaging platforms than 
satellites and therefore causing geometric distortions in the 
image with large spatial high frequency content. Thus, air- 
borne data correction becomes a test case for the capabilities 
of any geocoding facility. 
Airborne images acquired over featureless areas such as some 
deserts and snow fields are particularly hard to geocode be- 
cause of the difficulty of obtaining a sufficient number of 
ground control points. Further, if the airborne image and 
the reference image are taken in widely different ranges of 
the electromagnetic spectrum, it is exceedingly difficult to 
achieve reliable correlation and generate sufficient numbers 
of GCPs. 
For these types of geocoding problems it is paramount to use 
all available information and be able to configure the geocod- 
ing software to suit the particular problem at hand. An 
object oriented approach provides the flexibility and power 
necessary if subpixel accuracy is desired. 
A key problem for this type of geocoding is the need to 
eliminate erroneous control points which are derived from 
false correlation matches. GEOREG can often eliminate this 
problem by rejecting GCPs which do not, by a certain mar- 
gin, fit the best available image acquisition model. This can 
be achieved by ordering the GCPs time-sequentially and let- 
ting them drive an extended Kalman filter which for each 
instant in the imaging time produces a best estimate of the 
platform position and attitude given our estimates of the air- 
craft dynamics constraints, the measurement and state un- 
certainty covariance etc. If a GCP is inconsistent with this 
estimate, it is not allowed to change the state estimate. The 
sequence of Kalman filter state estimates then defines the 
desired platform trajectory. Even though this is not a global 
optimization over all GCPs, it nevertheless turns out to be 
a very efficient method for these hard geocoding problems. 
As an example, consider the attitude time state for a GERAIS 
(Geophysical Environmental Research Corp. Airborne Imag- 
ing Scanner) image which is shown in Fig. 2. In this case, 
no systematic attitude information was available for the im- 
agery. The attitude time state shown was generated using 
a previously orthorectified SPOT image as a base map, and 
GCPs which were automatically correlated, and input to the 
extended Kalman filter. The resulting derived attitude al- 
lowed the GERAIS image to be geocoded with «20 meters 
RMS error, versus the ca. 300 meters RMS error when no 
attitude was accounted for. 
'To assess the system, an extensive multisensor data set com- 
prising of satellite and airborne sensor data over the Drum 
Mountains area of Utah was orthorectified and co-registered. 
The data 
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