Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B4)

Entering into possession the land owners 
is based on the updating cadastral maps 
used to make land division into parcels; 
the current topographical equipment and 
the so-called total stations are used to 
mark parcels on the field. 
After that land reform has been completed, 
and the ownership titles have been given, 
all the works carried out should be inter- 
grated into the general cadastre, based 
on all the documentation required. Just a 
mention: when that land reform comes to an 
end, using all the equipment we have at our 
disposal, new cadastral surveyings are to 
be approached. We have in view to employ 
both digital photogrammetrical procedures 
and topographical ones, using total stations, 
which precision will be proper to a 1:2,000 
scale replacing the 1:5,000 scale in the 
course of time. 
There will be a lapse of time, maybe a 
decade, to develop the Land (cadastral) 
Information System, owing to our last land 
References and Selected Bibliography 
Ivánescu,A1.,1939. Fotogrammetria ín Románia. 
Buletin cadastral,3-6 
Miháilà,M.,Zegheru,N.,1969. Aportul foto- 
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Zegheru,N.,Nicoará,N., 1961. Cu privire la 
intocmirea unui plan topografic fundamen- 
tal al tärii. Revista de geodezie si orga- 
nizarea teritoriului,3 
Zegheru,N., 1966. Uber die Anwendung der 
Photogrammetrie bei Katastervermessungen. 
Simpozionul International de Fotogramme- 
trie, Cehoslovacia, Praga 
Zegheru,N., 1967. Exploatarea analiticá a 
fotogramelor pentru misuritori cadastrale. 
Revista de geodezie si organizarea terito- 
riului, 4 
Zegheru,N., 1968. Ein technologisches 
Verfahren bei Katastervermessungen mit 
Hilfe der analytischen Photogrammetrie. 
Presented Paper at the XI-th ISP Congress, 
Zegheru,N., 1968. Uber die Anwendung der 
analytischen Photogrammetrie in Kataster, 
Jenaer Rundschau 
Zegheru,N., 1969. Contributii la folosirea 
fotogrammetriei analitice ín cadastru. 
Tezá de doctorat, Institutul de Construc- 
tii, Bucuresti 
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Revista de geodezie si organizarea terito- 
Liului, 4 
Zegheru,N., 1972. The Accuracy of Photo- 
grammetric Cadastial Surveys. Piesented 
Paper at the XII-th ISP Congress, Ottawa 
Zegheru,N., 1973. Automatizarea lucri&àrilor 
cadastrale prin folosirea fotogrammetriei. 
Buletin de fotogrammetrie, 1 
Zegheru,N., 1976. The Aerial Triangulation 
Use in the Cadastial Surveyings. Presented 
Paper at the XIII-th ISP Congress, Hel- 
Zegheru,N., 1980. Automation in Photogram- 
metric Cadastial Surveyings. Presented 
Paper at the XIV-th ISP Congress,Hamburig 
Zegheiu,N., 1981. Perispectivele realiziüriii 
hártilor digitale in I.6.F.C.0.T. Analele 
Institutului de Geodezie,Fotogrammetiie, 
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Zegheiu,N., et al., 1982. Bazä de date 
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lele IGFCOT, IV 
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lor cadastrale SFAIPLAC. Analele IGFCOT,IV 
Zegheru,N., 1983. Digital Cadastral Mapping 
in Romania, FIG XVII International Congress, 
Sofia, Bulgaria 
Zegheru,N., 1984. Banca de date pentiu ca- 
dastiu funciar. Analele IGFCOT, VI 
Zegheru,N., 1986. Cu privire la eficienta 
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cadastiale. Analele IGFCOT, VII 
Zegheru,N., 1988. Land Information System 
Based on Land Cadastre. In: Int.Arch.Pho- 
togramm. Remote Sensing, Kyoto-Japan,Vol. 
27, Part BA, pp.471-475 

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