Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B4)

4.1 Accuracy Assessment 
The stereo mapping accuracy was derived by an 
image-to-map intersection of projection lines defined 
by the homologue coordinates of the GCPs in image 
geometry, so-called epipolar lines. 'This intersection 
results in map projection coordinates in planimetry 
as well as height, which can be compared to the mea- 
sured coordinates of the GCPs. The resulting resid- 
uals represent the stereo model set-up accuracy and, 
consequently, a-priori estimates for the stereo map- 
ping accuracy. 
Statistical parameters of a-priori 3D stereo mapping 
residuals are summarized in Table 3 for various stereo 
models combined from the available image data. The 
software package RSG allows to combine individual 
image pairs to stereo models for further analysis with- 
out extra investment. 
Concerning the KFA-1000 stereo model, the achieved 
values compare very well with results published by 
Konecny et al. (1988, [4]) or Sirkià and Laiho (1989, 
[11]). While the achieved accuracy in planimetry is 
quite good and corresponding to the high resolution 
input image data, the accuracy in height is compara- 
bly poor due to the small base-to-height ratio (about 
0.16) caused by the camera disposition. 
As further documented, the three-line scanning mode 
of the MEOSS scanner basically offers a good stereo 
capability. Base-to-height ratios of about 0.4 and 0.8, 
respectively, are determined by this particular geo- 
metric imaging arrangement. For these first investi- 
gations using airborne MEOSS stereo data, however, 
the achieved values are worse than might be expected 
from this arrangement, caused again by the geomet- 
ric problems mentioned in section 3. More detailed 
studies will be made to really exploit the stereoscopic 
potential of these data. A high stereo mapping ac- 
curacy of a few meters in planimetry and height is 
proposed by the aerial stereo model having a base-to- 
height ration of about 1.0. Here, general limitation is 
given by the GCP measurement accuracy. 
4.2 Relief Mapping 
The aerial stereo model was used to automatically de- 
rive a digital elevation model for a representative sub- 
area of about 2.5 by 2 kilometers. Therefore, again 
the software package RSG was used, the algorithms 
implemented for stereo mapping being described in 
general in Raggam et al. (1991, [9]). As shown in 
other experiments, RSG offers also the possibility to 
Statistics of stereo model set-up accuracy on ground 
Stereo images East North Height 
KFA-1 / RMS 10.8 9.3 91.2 
KFA-2 MIN -23.4  -194  -1201 
MAX 192 18.6 106.7 
MEOSS-F / RMS 10.5 7.6 17.8 
MEOSS-N MIN -130 -112  -333 
MAX 15.0 11.0 19.5 
MEOSS-N / | RMS 5.0 8.7 25.1 
MEOSS-B MIN -6.4 -10.6 -27.3 
MAX 8.2 11.7 38.9 
MEOSS-F / RMS 5.9 5.5 9.1 
MEOSS-B MIN -9.6 127 -16.3 
MAX T.9 6.9 15.3 
AIR-1 / RMS 4.8 4.1 8.2 
AIR-2 MIN -6.0 -4.9 -8.0 
MAX 6.3 7.4 11.9 
combine images from different sensors for stereo map- 
ping purposes (Raggam et al., 1991 [8], 1992 [10]). 
The initial processing steps have been greylevel-based 
image correlation and interactive measurement of ho- 
mologue image points in forest areas, where no mean- 
ingful correlation output can be expected. Here, a hy- 
brid correlation method combining greylevel- as well 
as feature-based approaches (Paar and Polzleitner, 
1991 [6]), together with a proper quality control, e.g. 
using forward-backward correlation, might reduce the 
interactive work. 
3D coordinates were determined from homologue im- 
age point measurements through the intersection of 
the respective projection lines. A DEM was gener- 
ated by triangulation of the received irregular point 
raster and subsequent interpolation of a regular ele- 
vation raster. The resulting DEM frame is shown in 
Figure 9 in an oblique view from South, whereas Fig- 
ure 10 shows the equivalent frame of the map-derived 
DEM. Figures 11 and 12 show the corresponding con- 
tour lines (contour interval 20 meters) and Figure 13 
shows an overlay of the stereo-derived DEM and a 
geocoded aerial image. 
Using RSG, statistical parameters for the height dif- 
ferences have been determined, resulting in a standard 
deviation of 9.7 meters. This corresponds well to the 
a-priori height accuracy of 8.2 meters given in Table 3. 
Also a visual comparison of Figures 9 and 10 shows a 
good correspondence of the DEMs at least in those ar- 
eas, where meaningful stereoscopic measurements can 
be made. 

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