Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B4)

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SPOT data, show a mapping accuracy equvalent to 
0.3/0.15 millimeters in 1 : 25 000/1 : 50 000 maps. 
Map revision at large scales of 1 : 10 000 becomes 
feasible using scanned aerial photos. For these data 
accuarcy limitation is given by the image scale and 
by the scanner performance. In the presented appli- 
cations, a mapping accuarcy corresponding to about 
0.2 millimeters in 1 : 10 000 scale could be achieved. 
Digital image data also offer a certain potential for 
3D data extraction. Digitized aerial photographs are 
a subject in digital photogrammetry, which offers the 
possibility of automated stereo mapping based on im- 
age correlation techniques. An activity for DEM ex- 
traction using such data has been carried out. Com- 
pared to existing elevation data derived from 1 : 25 000 
topographic maps the resulting DEM shows more de- 
tails in particular areas. However, for individual ho- 
mogeneous areas like forests automatic image correla- 
tion is not possible. There, miscorrelations can lead 
to rather erroneous results. It is a matter of fur- 
ther investigations to identify methods to appropri- 
ately avoid miscorrelations. 
[1] A. Almer, M. F. Buchroithner and J. Raggam 
Digital Mapping with High Resolution Sojuz 
KFA-1000 Images. In Proc. of 10’%th EARSeL 
Symposium: New European Systems, Sensors and 
Applications, pp. 403-417, Toulouse, France, June 
5-8 1990. 
[2] M. F. Buchroithner and R. Kostka (1989): 
TADAT - an International Alpine Test Site for 
Remote Sensing Data. In Proceedings of the 9th 
EARSeL Symposium, Espoo - Finland, 27 June - 
1 July 1989, pp. 306 - 310. 
Remote Sensing Software Package Graz — Soft- 
ware for Geometric Treatment of Multisensor Re- 
mote Sensing Data. Colour Brochure, 10 pages. 
[4] G. Konecny, K. Jacobsen, P. Lohmann and W. 
Müller (1988): 
“Comparison of High Resolution Satellite Imagery 
for Mapping", International Archives ISPRS, Ky- 
oto — Japan, Commission IV, Vol. 27, Part B 9, 
pp. 226 - 237. 
[5] F. Lanzl (1986): 
The Monocular Electro-Optical Stereo Scan- 
ner (MEOSS) Satellite Experiment. International 
Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 
Vol. 26-1, pp. 617 - 620, Stuttgart. 
[6] G. Paar and W. Pôlzleitner (1991): 
Automatic 3D Modelling by Pyramid-Based 
Stereovision Using Remotely Sensed Data. In 
Proc. Modelling and New Methods in Image Pro- 
cessing and in Geographical Information Systems, 
Oldenbourg-Verlag, Vienna-Munich, ed. by P. 
Mandl, Klagenfurt, April 1991. 
[7] J. Raggam (1990). “Interpolative Map-to-Image 
Coordinate Transformation for Spaceborne Im- 
agery”, in Proceedings of the IGARSS 1990 
Symposium: Remote Sensing - Science for the 
Nineties, Vol. II, pp. 1423 - 1426, Washington D.C. 
[8] J. Raggam and A. Almer (1991): 
A Multi-Sensor Stereo Mapping Experiment. AC- 
SM/ASPRS/Auto Carto Annual Convention, Vol. 
4, pp. 173 - 182, Baltimore, Maryland, March 
[9] J. Raggam, D. Strobl, M.F. Buchroithner and 
A. Almer (1991): 
RSG - Workstation Software for Geometric Mul- 
tisensor Data Processing. In Proc. "Digital Pho- 
togrammetric Systems”, Wichmann-Verlag, Mu- 
nich, Germany, ed. H. Ebner, D. Fritsch, Ch. 
Heipke, pp. 313 - 325. 
[10] J. Raggam, A. Almer and D. Strobl (1992): 
Multisensor Mapping Using SAR in Conjunction 
with Optical Data. In International Archives IS- 
PRS, Washington D.C., Commission II, 1992. 
[11] O. Sirkià and A. Laiho (1989): 
*An Investigation of the Geometric Properties of 
the Sovjet KFA-1000 Space Images", in The Pho- 
togrammetric Journal of Finland, Vol. 11, No. 2, 
pp. 74 - 83. 

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