. Verbal data
. Position error of tie points
. Grid lines
If there were some errors or some
among these subjects or anything beyond the
technical specification limits, they were pointed
out on the sheets and sent back to the contractor.
missing items
After they were corrected and completed by the
contractor these sheets were also certified.
3.3. Geodetic Control
Geodetic control was performed on the 10 % of the
sheets choosen by sampling method. We have used
total station (electronic tacheometer), Zeiss
Elta-3 and REC-500 recorder, on the field. Later,
Intergraph 32-C workstation was also used. By
using IGDS graphical software package, field data
had been compared with the design file.
In order to check the application quality of these
maps, optical plump ZLN is utilised. It was a very
handy tool, to point out the projection point of
the roof corners on the ground.
3.4. Analysis and Evaluation
of the control
in this five phases are
The analysis and the evaluation
measurements carried out
as fallows:
. Planimetry
. Neighbourhood
. Point height
. Contour height
. Application and updating
3.4.1. Planimetric error of arbitrary point which
can be well defined was computed by this
formula, /4/.
Ex = Xphotogrammetric ” Xgeodetic
Ey 7 Yphotogrammetric " Ygeodetic
ZEx f£.
a, = AZ gy =
n. Ny
In the first check after having measured 652
had been
which were
points, position error m = + 13.8 cm.
found. On the other hand, differences
explained above are shown, in table 1:
Differnces Measured point Percentage
0 - 10 cm 234 36, 76
31 .~ 20 259 40
21 - 31 Hy 18 24
3l - 40 42 6
652 100
Table 1: Differences for position
As it is shown in table 1, 76% of the
measurements were suitable to technical
specifications. However the rest 24% of the
measurements needed to be corrected. These sheets
were sent to the contractor back. In the second
(or third) check, they were also found to be
suitable. Therefore we confirmed them.
3.4.2. The differences for neighbourhood were also
computed, by the formula:
é = Distance -Distance
(map) (control)
Where é is the difference between distance in
map (digital photogrammetric data) and the
distance measured by the control team on the
ground. And from the first check neighbourhood
error m, = + 10.9 cm has been found.
Differences Measued distance Percentage
0-10 em 314 2 85
11 - 20 154 28
21 — 31 61 124 15
31 - 40 19 3
548 100
Table 2: Differences for neighbourhood.
By the way, as it is shown in table 2, 85% of the
differences on measured distances were suitable to
technical specification. Other 15% of the
differences needed to be corrected. These sheets
were sent to the contractor back. And later on,
second (or third) check was done. Then it has been
seen that they were all corrected.
3.4.3. For the point height control, according to
the test results, avarage height error of well
identified points had been found as my = t 11 cm.
3.4.4. For the control of height error of contour
lines 5 crossections were measured and compared
with the design file. In each crossection there
were 15 points. As a result the mean height error
of contour lines was found to be + 20 cm. So, at
the end of Geodetic control, all measurements were
found to be acceptable and they were confirmed.