ALKIS, Ayhan. Prof. Dr.
ORUKLÜ, H.Erdogan. Prof. Dr.
BATUK, Gül. Asst.
BAYRAM, Bülent. Asst.
(Staff Members of Geodetic and Photogrammetric Engineering Department
of Engineering Faculty of Yildiz University - Istanbul / TURKEY)
ISPRS Commission No : IV
KEYWORDS : Database, LIS, Mapping, Economic
The paper presented is a report about a large scale Digital Mapping and Land Information System in
Istanbul metropolitan area. Beside this, the experiences gained by authors who worked in this project as
controler and as consultant, has been discussed from the point of view of productivity and technical
aspects. Their considerations and observations had been explained in this paper, too.
Istanbul is one of the biggest cities in the on the peripheral of each block with an interval
world located on the two continents, Europe and of i=2b and 1280 vertical control points were
Asia, with a population of 10 millions and located on the surface of the whole block
covering an area of 940 sq. kilometers. The city homogenously with an interval i-4b.
is getting larger rapidly.
1300 application points were located on the whole
In July 1987, Metropolitan Municipality of project area for the terrestrial aplication. The
Istanbul began to implement a Land Information point density in all areas was planned at least 4
System in Istanbul (ILIS) Metropolitan area. points per sq. kilometer.
First subproject of ILIS was the digital mapping. In 45 days approximately 3500 points, including
The purpose of the project was to produce the full control, height control and application
digital base map of Istanbul with scale of 1/ 500 points were located and signalized in the project
and 1/ 1000. In the past, of course there were area.
many maps of Istanbul. However, they were not in
the same standart. They had been made in many In 6 months with 16 survey teams 9000 angle and
different times and in very diverse scales. distance measurements and 4000 km. levelling were
made. For this purpose electronic theodolites with
The main purpose of digital mapping is considered data recorder and Zeiss Ni-2 levelling instruments
to be the creation of digital cartographic data had been used.
for ILIS. The final product is a digital data set
suitable for a data base. The ground control network was totally adjusted by
using the GNA (Geodetic Network Analysis) on an
The aims of this project are: Intergraph System (I 252). Standard deviation in
the planimetric control network is 5.7 cm. and
. Digital mapping and digital updating, 1.2 cm. in height control network.
. Production of large scale base maps,
«Digitizing of cadastral information and
integration of these with the data base. 3. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY
The authors of this paper, who are staff members Aerial photographs were taken using a Zeiss RMK
of Geodetic and Photogrammetric Engineering camera with a forward motion compensation (FMC).
Department of Engineering Faculty of Yildiz The format is 23x23 cm. with focal lenght of 305
University in Istanbul, were responsible for the mm.
control and the consultancy of this project /3/.
The scales of the photographs were 1/4000 and
1/3000; for map production of 1/1000 and 1/500
2. GROUND CONTROL respectively, the flying height was chosen
according to the scale. The flight direction was
For the ground control, 225 ground control points planned as east to west for 1/4000. Only for 43
of the metropolitan network in the national sq. km. area, the flight direction was north to
coordinate have been used. This network is south, where scale of photograph was 1/3000.
connected to Universal Transverse Mercator Grid Forward overlap was planned as 80% and side
System (UTM), with 39 wide zones. For height overlap was planned as 30$. 15000 black and white
control, 46 existing height control points have photographs were taken to cover the project area.
been used. The aerial photography missions started at the
middle of September 1987 and completed in one
The project area was divided into 21 blocks month, time.
related to geometrical position each has 300
Models, 1370 full control points were carried out