(v)The surface interpolation of polygons in each
3D surface:
If a polygon is convex, the surface is
interpolated by iterating the generation of
triangular planes by connecting neighboring
edges. When a polygon is not convex, i.e. a
polygon is concave and/or other polygons and
points are contained in the surface of an object
polygon, the polygon is divided into concave
polygons by adding edges to connect points
where the intersecting angle of edges is over
180 deg.
Since there are possibilities that some data may
violate the constraint conditions, the normal
vectors at points must be displayed to ease the
user's check of the result of edge ordering. With
this procedure of uncovering polygons in a 3D
surface, the SR model based on a 3D surface can
be implemented.
5.1 Introduction
A large amount of elevation points are
necessary to represent 3D spatial object with a
DUSM. Especially the representation of terrain
surfaces requires many reliable elevation points.
This is not only because terrain surfaces have
complicated shapes but also because the elevation
of other spatial objects such as underground
structures have to be determined based on the
elvations of terrain surfaces.
However it is no easy task to assign elevation
data to many points manually. For example, it is
very labor-demanding to obtain elevation data
from conventional maps in urban areas because
contour lines are usually cut in pieces due to
buildings and other man-made features. With
aerial surveying techniques, it is not so easy to
obtain enough number of elevation points due to
occlusions. Only roads and the roofs of buildings
are exceptionally easy place for 3D measurement.
A method of elevation interpolation in urban areas
is indispensable to reduce the requirement of
elevation data and to give a sound basis of
elevation to a DUSM.
5.2 A method of elevation interpolation
Existing surface interpolation methods usually
assume that terrain surfaces are smooth although
the discontinuities of slopes and elevations are
often the case in urban areas. To make larger-scale
representations of terrain surfaces and related
spatial objects in urban areas, the following
geometric conditions must be considered, which
characterize terrain surfaces in urban areas (figure
Break lines: The steepness of slopes shows
discontinuities on a break line.
Break lines are often to be seen in
the boundaries of man-made objects
such as roads and levees.
Step lines: Elevation shows a abrupt change
(like steps) on a step lines. Retaining
Horizontal plane Break line
Step line
Figure 15 Examples of geometric constraint conditions
in elevation interpolation
walls and the side walls of buildings
are generated by step lines.
Horizontal planes: Every points in a horizontal
plane has the same elevation value.
Floors of buildings are the
Under these geometric conditions, surfaces are
represented by TIN to easily integrate the
interpolated surfaces with a DUSM. At places
where these geometric conditions do not hold,
elevations are interpolated under the assumption
that a terrain surface is smooth. Smooth terrain
surfaces are obtained to maximize the sum of the
square of inner-products of unit normal vectors of
neighboring triangular planes. Moreover, some
lines such as road boundaries sometimes have to
be interpolated smoothly. The "smoothness" of
lines is evaluated in terms of the sum of the
squares of vertical changes of unit vectors along
the lines. Thus elevations are interpolated so as to
maximize the smoothness of terrain surfaces and
lines under the above geometric constraint
An example model based on a 2.5D surface has
been made of Nishi-Shinjuku, which is one of the
busiest business and commercial districts in the
Tokyo Metropolitan Area (figure 16). The size of
the example area is about 1.5km by 2.0km.
Figure 17 is a 2.5D surface representing the
terrain surface and the ground floors of buildings.
Polygons are uncovered in the edges and given
attribute data of categories of floor-uses . Figure
18 shows the result of the surface interpolation.
The total number of triangular polygons
representing the terrain surface is more than two
thousand even though the example area is not
large. With the conventional BR model, a human
operator would be required to generate edges
bounding many triangular polygons by connecting
an enormous number of elevation points.
In this example, several important 2.5D
surfaces such as those of the terrain surface, the
first and the second basement floor and the second
floor etc. were input by the digitization of existing
maps. But many of the other surfaces such as
those for the other floors of buildings could be
generated with a "copy" command using some
additional data such as elevation data of the floors.