that the significance of iron oxides in
the reflectance increases with the
increase of the wavelength in the
electromagnetic spectrum, especially in
the regions of visible light and near-
Cipra et alii (1976) compared
spectral-radiometer measurements of
exposed soils with digital data from
Landsat-1. Results showed that Landsat
radiance and spectroradiometer
reflectance values were highly correlated
for all wavelength bands.
Lund et alii (1980) and Harrison
and Johnson (1982) concluded that the use
of spectral maps derived from Landsat
data improved accuracy and/or quality of
map unit delineations. More recently,
Coleman and Montgomery (1987) and Everitt
et alii (1989) studied the same question.
The former encountered great
interdependence between the moisture
content and the reflectance of the
respective soils. The latter studied the
moisture content, organic mater and the
level of iron in alfisols and vertisols,
finding high correlations between
reflectance and the studied variables.
In both cases the soils were separated
and accurately mapped on the basis of
spectral, physical and chemical
Agbu and Nizeyiama (1991)
compared soil maps from SPOT spectral
data with maps produced in the field.
Although the maps based on field work
were found to be better than those based
on spectral analyses, the differences did
not attain statistical significance at
the 0.05 level, using the Kappa
Visual analysis of spectral
differences are insufficient for the
required studies. Although only a few (4
to 12) bands are selected from the
continuum of electromagnetic energy, each
band contains a continuum of extremely
small variation of the intensity of
reflectance in that band. Therefore, the
number of combinations of bands (colors)
is extremely large. Consequently,
research that deals with such spectral
behavior of targets in images from space
satellites require digital analyses via
computer processing. These capabilities
exist in image analysis systems such as
ERDAS or, in Brazil, SITIM (Sistema de
Tratamento de Imagem) from the Space
Research National Institute, INPE.
Among the methods for spectral
image analysis, of particular note are
those that are based on the statistical
distance between probability densities
that characterize the standard classes.
These methods include divergence,
transformed divergence, Bhattacharyia's
distance and Jeffreys-Matusita (JM)
distance (Swain and King, 1973, and
Richards, 1986).
1.Description of the study area
The study area is approximately
10 x 10 minutes of latitude and longitude
(220 square kilometers) on the Araras
topographic sheet in the state of Sao
Paulo, Brazil (see Figure 2). The area
is tropical, being 130 kilometers north
of the Tropic of Capricorn. The maximum
and minimum elevations are 560 and 680
meters above sea level. The prominent
relief is a slightly rolling landscape.
Only ten percent of the area has
limitations that prevent mechanized
According to the maps of the IGC
(1982), the geology of the area includes
rocks from the Tubaräo Group, the Irati
and Corumbatai (siltstone and shales)
formations of the Passa-Dois Group, basic
intrusives, sandstones from the Botucatu-
Pirambóia formation, and the Cenozoic.
In the Koppen system of climatic
classification, the climate of the area
is mesothermic with dry winter, type Ewa.
The winter dryness extends from April to
September; the rains for summer occur
from October to March. June-July
temperatures average 182 C (649 F),
rising to 229 .C (729 F) in January-
February. Frosts do not occur.
The natural vegetation is
classified as subtropical forest. Today
the area is used for sugar cane, citrus,
cotton and corn agriculture. Pastures
and reforestation are found in the
steeper areas. Keeping in mind the
methodological considerations of the
research, we selected an area
predominately occupied with annual crops
and obtained images from the period prior
to planting. The major part (85$) of the
area was free of vegetation.
The soils of the area, according
to Oliveira et alii (1982), are listed
below, in order of highest to lowest
occurrences. Their approximate
distribution, according to the pre-
existing map at 1:100.000, is shown in
Figure 2.
LV - Latossolo Vermelho Amarelo
(USA) - Quartzipsammentic Haplorthox
. LR - Latossolo Roxo - eutrófico
(USA) - Typic Eutrorthox
PV - Podzólico Vermelho Amarelo
(USA) - Typic Paleudult
. TE - Terra roxa Estruturada - eutrófica
e distrófica
(USA) - Rhodic Paleudalf + Rhodic
AQ - Areias Quartzosas
(USA) - Typic Quartzipasamment
. Hi - Solos Hidromórficos
(USA) - Hydromorphic soils
LE - Latossolo Vermelho Escuro
(USA) - Typic Haplorthox
2. Characteristics of the images
and equipment used
Analogue (1:100,000) and digital
images from Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM)
were obtained for six bands of visible
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