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(2) Supplimental mapping using satellite
This is expected to be ‘applied for
1:50,000 scale topographic mapping or
smaller executed to suppliment aerial
photogrammetry only in the area where
aerial photos are not available because of
cloud cover, etc..
(3) Photomap making using satellite data.
This is expected to be applied for
1:50,000 scale photomap making or smaller
with 40m interval contours or longer.
Through the four year study, we could be
convinced that SPOT data can "practically
be used for 141:100,000 scale. topographic
mapping. Moreover, we could establish the
practical method of SPOT image mapping.
The results are expected "to be used for
international cooperation programms of
This study _ was conducted by the "Task
Force for Research Execution” under the
supervision of the "Committee for Overseas
Mapping Technology using Satellite Data”
organized in the International Engineering
Consultants Association CIECA).. The
members of the committee and the task
force are as follows.
[Commi tteel
Dr. Kazuo Muraoka FECA
Vice Chair
Mr. Hiroyuki Matsuda | ECA
Prof. Shunji Murai Univ. of Tokyo
Prof. Kiyoo Sazanami Nihon Univ.
Mr. Seiji Kojima MOFA
Mr. Shoshichi Miyazawa JICA
Mr. Takeshi Hirai JACIC
Mr. Tokuji Tomaru MOC
Mr. Kazuo Inaba MOC
Mr. Kunio Nonomura GS |
Mr. Minoru Akiyama GSI
[Task Forcel
Chief Secretary
Mr. Minoru Akiyama GS
Sub-chi ef Secretary
Mr. Isao lkejima ECA
Mr. Kazuo Inaba MOC
Mr. Hiroshi Kosuga GSI
Mr. Toshihiko Wada | ECA
Mr. Noboru Iwata Tamano Co.
Mr. Toshiaki Ueki Sanyo Co.
Mr. Sumio Muraoka Ohba Co.
Mr. Tadao Takahashi Nakaniwa Co.
Mr. Mamoru Takahashi Kokusai Co.
Mr. Sadao Takeda Hasshu Co.
Mr. Hideki Shimamura Pasco lnc.
Mr. Sadao Matsumoto Ni hon Co.
Mr. Michio Yokota Asia Co.
Mr. Kousuke Tsuru Asahi Co.
Mr. Makoto Furuichi Nakani hon Co.
Mr. Fumio Iwasaki Hi gashinihon Co.
The Peruvian researching staff
this study are as follows.
involved in
Mr. Oscar Arista Yanez | GN
Mr. Eric Mejia Lucar | GN
Mr. David Remirez Vassquez | GN
Mr. Martha Aguera | GN
Mr. Yukio Kato JI CA
The author,the chief secretary of the task
force of the study, offers his thanks. to
all the- task force members. for . their
efforts devoted in this. study, to. Dr.
Muraoka and the committee members for
their appropriate advise and suggestion to
for smooth execution of the
Special thanks are due to the
guide us
researching staff,
who have
conducted most part of the field work in
Peru, as well as interpretation and
evaluation of SPOT images of Peru.
Without their
not be succeeded.
cooperation this study would