Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B4)

were selected in AVHRR  cnanne! 1 and channel! 2. A 
related range of brightness level was extracted 
from the origina! AVHRR thermal infrared channel 4 
according to the ground temperature range except 
that of cloud, snow and ice. Sometimes, it was 
necessary to adjust the selected leve! range 
slightly for some special objective such as bright 
desert which has a higher spectral aibedo to cause 
a brightness saturation in the lower 8 bits data of 
channel 1 and channei 2. The major part of the data 
preprocessing was a map projection transformation 
of AVHRR data on the basis of Albers equal-area 
projection. Satellite orbital parameters and the 
time code were used to execute the map projection 
transformation. The products of the preprocessing 
were placed in file to provide to the data process- 
ing of mapping. 
Data processing of mapping or image base map making 
is the most important step in mapping of photomap. 
An IS digital image processing system was used to 
perform a precise geometric correction, image 
enhancement, color adjustment, digital mosaic and 
a series of special processings. The image base map 
as an output was made by a color fi'm recorder and 
a normal darkroom processing. 
Precise Geometric Correction 
Although the preprocessed images were transformed 
into an Albers equal-area projection form, there 
were still! a little errors that would cause the 
errors of the points position on the finial 
photomap to be larger than one millimeter. So it 
was necessary to perform a precise geometric 
correction to ensure the geometric precision of the 
photomap. A published standard map which was 
devided into 64 subsections was inputted to the 
System as a basis of the geometric control. Using 
the general image-register program on the four 
quadrants of a subimage, displacement vectors in 
each quadrant were determined and a control points 
file could be created with these data. Then a 
geometric correction was operated with the normal 
polynomial correction for every subimages. For some 
images, a simple translation was satisfactory 
enough to the required precision. The resultant 
precision of points position on the photomap was 
less than one millimeter under the scale of 
Image False Color Composite And Enhancement 
In order to get colorful tones, rich information 
and the best vision effect, a false color composite 
which included a thermal infrared band was taken. 
This composite scheme may be the best one in the 
composites of AVHRR data, although the degree of 
difficulty of color adjustment in a image mosaic is 
increased extremely. With the three channels which 
are the least correlation in a spectral space, 
thermal infrared (assigned as red), near infrared 
(green) and visible red (blue), the best „color 
balance and the richest information can be achieved. 
Before the composite action, the original channel 4 
data was processed by a negative operation so that 
the image brightness was in proportion to the 
ground radiant temperature. As a result, the higher 
the radiant temperature is, the bright the red 
Color. is. Therefore, the color rule in the 
composite fits the human subjective vision habit 
psychologically. A controlled linear stretching for 
the three components respectively, other than a 
Scale based on the statistics of a subimage, was 
used so as to contro! the image color for mosaic 
and keep a appropriate image contrast and a color 
Digital Mosaic Operation 
A high quality and satisfactory digital mosaic 
is a 
difficult, time-consuming and experience-needed 
thing. in this digita! mosaic operation, there were 
64 subimages to be mosaic together in the main 
part of China and 12 subimages in South China Sea, 
We classified the total 76 subimages into © parts 
according to the similarity of geographic landscape 
and image characteristic, Xinjiang area,Tibet area, 
Centrai China, South China, Northeast China and 
South China Sea. Mosaic was operated first in these 
parts with about 12 to 16 subimages for each one. 
Finially, a compeleted mosaic of the 64 subimages 
with the 5 parts except South China Sea was taken 
to form a embryonic form of the image base map. 
Color adjustment is a careful work. Aithough the 
histogram matching technique usually is useful in 
digital mosaic, It Js just satisfactory on the 
condition of the similar geographic landscape and 
image character, Therefore, this method is 
effective for a limited and related harmonious 
area. In our mosaic procedure, histogram matching 
just effected in the overlap part of the adjacent 
images as a color reference and a interactive color 
adjustment was used in the other part of a image. 
A feather transition was used to smooth the color 
change and remove any artificia! marks. 
Some Special Processing Procedures 
Cloud Removing Operation: With a series of multi 
-temporal and registered images, a cloud removing 
operation can be done. Two kinds of image detection 
algorithm were needed to extract cloud and cloud- 
shadow as the Range Of Interest (ROI) information 
to be stored. Cloud detection based on the lower 
temperature or lower brightness in channel 4 and 
higher brightness in channel 1 and channel 2 
Simultaneous!y. The shadow detection was only from 
the lower brightness in channel 1 and channe! 2 
simu!taneous!y. These can be expressed as a logical 
relation as below; 
(CLOUD ).OR.( SHADOW) = @ (3) 
The CLOUD and SHADOW are the detected area of c!oud 
and cloud-shadow in a image respectively. The 
LOWCHN and HIGHCHN are the lower and higher bright- 
ness of channel n in a image respectively. Both the 
detections were needed a proper threshold from a 
image. Cloud and shadow removing were done by a 
minimum and a maximum operation of multi-temporal 
images for the detected cloud and shadow area 
respectively. After the operation above, adjust the 
brightness of the substituted area slightiy to 
eliminate tne difference in brightness between the 
substituted parts and the background. A interactive 
adjustment should be used for some area if 
Modification of Image Seasonal Aspect: It s 
well known that one of the most important  facters 
which effects Aa image color directely is seasonal 
change of vegetation. Because the images were 
received duing a period of neariy 4 months, the 
Seasona! change of vegetation in some images was 
obvious and couid cause a probiem in the mosaic 
especialiy in Northwest China. So, a modification 
must be done. Using the vegetation index, such as 
CCHO-CHIJ/CCH24CH1) or (CCHOZCHT). we got a 
vegetation index image (VI) Then a simple 
arithmetic operation was used with the near 
infrared data (CH2) and the VI images to form a new 
image to substitute the origina! CH2 image. 
NEWNIR = À * (NIR) + B x (VID (49 
BI A A D> 11) 
NIR is a near infrared image (CH2). A and B are 

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