Figure 7. The resulting image from interference filtering
before postprocessing.
The method is fairly robust with regard to the parameter
settings, except for the parameter Nfmin.
The results from the line interference operator have been
compared to 1) multispectral classification 2) classification
using two texture bands in addition to the multispectral
bands, and 3) Multivariate Image Analysis (MIA).
In 1) and 2) a maximum-likelihood classifier was used.
Several measures of texture are described in the literature. In
Haralick 1973, 14 different measures are defined. The 11
first of these have all been tested. The measures "sum of
squares: variance" and "entropy" turned out to give the best
results and these two measures have been used here. Four
classes were used in the classification task. Class statistics
were generated from training areas. The classification result
for class urban was smoothed by a median filter of size 3x3.
For both results 88% of the old urban areas are recognized,
however, when texture was used fewer areas were wrongly
proposed us urban. The unrecognized parts were mainly in
the outer edges. The central urban area was recognized
retaining the U-shape, as well as other smaller areas, but
Figure 8. The interference image after postprocessing (the
urban area proposal).
there were large areas which did not correspond to urban
areas. Both results are inferior to the results from
interference filtering. However, the classification results are
sensitive to the class statistics. Defining more classes and
combining the classification results could improve the overall
The MIA system (Esbensen et al. 1989) is developed for
multiband imagery and calculates principal components of the
multiband image. These are visualized pairwise in "score-
plots", allowing for tentative class delineations in the feature
space. MIA was applied on SPOT band 1 and 2, in addition
to four texture images made from band 1 with the texture
features "contrast", "sum of squares: variance", "sum
variance", and "entropy" (defined in Haralick 1973). MIA
outlined noisy candidate urban areas which were further
processed by 3x3 median filtering, three iterations of dilation
and two iterations of erosion, followed by 9x9 median
filtering to remove noise and create larger continuous areas.
The candidate urban areas showed up to mostly cover real
urban areas. However, a lot of urban areas are also missing.
6. Conclusions
Our experiments so far indicate that it is possible by semi-
automatic methods to extract most of the necessary
information to perform a coarse revision of topographic maps
at a scale of 1:50000. Manual control and editing of the
automatic interpretation result is clearly necessary, and the
higher degree of uncertainty should be clearly shown by
printing the changes in other colours. The satellite based map
revisions will be more uncertain than the airphoto based
photogrammetric revisions, but with a map revision cycle of
10-20 years at the present time in Norway, semi-automatic
revisions two to four times more often would make the maps
much better approximations to reality.
The proposed method of interference filtering seem to be
superior to the other methods tested to recognize urban areas,
even if textural features are introduced. Additional built-in
logic in the high level post-processing could further refine the
result. Our method for road recognition was able to detect a
new forest road completely without any fragmentation. This
also indicates that to achieve a very good result using satellite
imagery of this resolution, it is important to perform the
revision before too much vegetations grow up along side of
the road.
As far as we know, no other system for semi-automatic
satellite based topographic map revision exist. However,
Figure 9. Air photo based map for the same urban area
generated manually.