Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B4)

ZhangWenxing Su Bo Li Hua Zhang Xiaochun 
Department of Computer Science 
Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping 
Loyu Road 39, Wuhan, 430070,CHINA 
To design and produce a map (or an atlas) is a creative procedure which requires both professional 
expertise and artistic accomplishment. So it is never an easy task even though we are now in the digital 
information era, because existing CAC systems cannot satisfy all the requirements of a ‘real’ design. 
To solve this problem, it is necessary to make CAC systems “intelligent” and to make as much profit 
from GIS system as possible. MAPKEY is such a system developed by the authors, which is based upon 
GIS systems and integrates Database, Knowledge base and computer graphics. MAPKEY can cover 
almost all procedures of thematic map making, such as map type selection, symbol design, data 
grading, color design, four color separation and film output, and provide a color environment, ‘What 
you see is what you get’ in its real sense. 
In this paper, the ‘inside story’ of MAPKEY is revealed and some concents of map design are also 
Knowledge base, Data base, Computer graphics, Thematic Mapping , automatic color assignment, Four 
color separation 
Map production becomes easier, faster and more 
1. INTRODUCTION efficient due to the development of mechanics 
and electronics, but there still exists a lot of 
Thematic map design is a decision —making pro problems. 
cess requiring expertise for the representation, 
the classification and the selection of symbols, 1. 1 THE EXISTING PROBLEMS IN THEMATIC 
legends, colors and typefaces. Thematic mapping MAPPING 
or thematic map production is a productive 
process including design, drawing, color — (1). More and more poor —quality maps are 
separating, plates — making, pre — press proofs being produced by non — cartographers who use 
and printing. So it has a very long production some widespread thematic mapping package. 
period for producing an atlas. [1] [2] [3] 

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