Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B4)

rotation Blumenthal 1987 
of photos 
without with 
selfcalibration | selfcalibration 
Sx Sy Sz Sx Sy Sz 
0 8 7.32 8 8 23 
2 grads 13:12 37 13 13 29 
5 grads 8 835 8.825 
7 grads 10 9 39 9.9 35 
10 grads 9 8 38 10 10 41 
Table 4: mean square differences of the ground 
coordinates [mm] determined by bundle 
adjustment with the quasi photo coordinates in 
relation to the reference adjustment depending 
upon the rotation of the quasi photo coordinates 
im Blumenthal 
Bl s 
© sz 
0 2 5 7 10 
Fig. 9: mean square differences of the bundle 
adjustments depending upon the rotation of 
the quasi-photo coordinates 
- Block Blumenthal without selfcalibration 
im] Blumenthal 
0 2 5 7 10 
Fig. 10: mean square differences of the bundle 
adjustments depending upon the rotation of 
the quasi-photo coordinates 
- Block Blumenthal with selfcalibration 
Corresponding to theresults of the block Jämijärvi 
the rotations of the quasi-photos do have the 
largest influence in the case of the block 
adjustment with selfcalibration. The effect to 
the horizontal coordinates is limited but 
nevertheless also without artificial rotations the 
differences of the adjustment are reaching 505 
of the standard deviations of the reference 
adjustment. In the case of the height the 
differences to the reference adjustment are 
reaching and exceeding the size of the accuracy 
of the reference adjustment. This is corresponding 
to the loss of accuracy of block adjustments with 
independent models in relation to bundle block 
adjustments determined in practical applications. 
4. Conclusion 
Model coordinates can be transformed into 
quasi-photo coordinates by the program system 
BLUH and be used for a bundle block adjustment. 
The quality of such an adjustment is corresponding 
to the block adjustment by the method of 
independent models. Like in the case of the 
independent models the loss of the information 
of the y-parallax is reducing the reliability and 
also the accuracy. In addition the systematic 
image errors are smeared in the model and of 
course also in the back transformed quasi-photo 
coordinates. The exact information about the 
principal point will be lost during the calculation 
of the model coordinates, this is causing an 
additional smearing effect. Corresponding to this 
the loss of accuracy is increasing with the size 
of the random nadir distance of the photos. This 
effect willbe seen especially by block adjustments 
with selfcalibration by additional parameters. 
The loss of accuracy caused by the use of model 
in the case of a data aquisition with analog 
instruments - in this circumstance the limited 
accuracy of the data is dominating the adjustment. 
But if analytical plotters are used, the registration 
and use of model coordinates will lead to an 
unnecessary loss of accuracy, especially for the 
height. The photo coordinates should be recorded 
and used by bundle block adjustment with 
selfcalibration by additional parameters. The 
data handling in modern bundle block adjustment 
program systems is more flexible and not more 
complicate than the data handling with 
independent models. 
Pollak, B., 1990: Biindelblockausgleichung mit 
Modellkoordinaten, diplomathesis University 
of Hannover 1990 
Jacobsen, K., 1982: Attempt at obtaining the best 
possibleaccuracyinbundleblock adjustment, 
Photogrammetria 1982, pp. 219-235 
Wenck, U.-H., 1991: Einfluß unterschiedlicher 
Bildorientierungen auf die Bündelblockaus- 
gleichung mit Modellkoordinaten, diploma 
thesis University of Hannover 1992 

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