À Simple 00DBMS and its Application to
the Pictorial Information System for Photogrammetry
Qian Zeng-Bo
Chen Rong-Guo
Dept. of Photogrammtry & Remote Sensing
Zhengzhou Institute of Surveying & Mapping CZISM)
A simple OODBMS is implemented in an OOP language
Borland C++. It incorporates object identity and
encapsulation via data abstraction. Objects and their
operations are realised by the concept of class in
C++. The DDL is constructed by C++ language. The DML
is formed from lots of C++ functions. The B-tree index
structure is adapted for the index management of the
database. The main feature of the OODBMS is that it
supports object-oriented model and can manage varible-
length-record (VLR) database. Based on this OODBMS,
and combined with algorithms of photogrammetry, image
processing and computer graphics, an object-oriented
pictorial information system for photogrammetry is
OODBMS, OOP language, pictorial information system
geographic information system» photogrammetry.
The application of database technology to new
applied fields, such as CAD/CAM/CAC, geographic
informaion system (GIS), pictorial information system
(PIS) and office automation (0A), is an extremely
active area of database research. Many of these new
applications deal with highly-structured objects that
are composed of other objects. For example, a
geographic object may be a complex object composed of
different types of objects such as vectors, imagery,
DEM, attributes etc. The popular commercial RDBMS,
such as dBASE and ORACLE, can hardly suport these
new applications because they can not handle complex
objects. Several experimental OODBMSs, including
GemStone (D. Maier, et al. 1987), Orion (J. Banerjee,
et al. 1987), VBASE CT, Andrews, et al. 1987), PDM
(F. Manola, et al. 1986), IRIS (D. H. Fishman, et al.
1987), have been developed to meet the new needs.
Most of them are based on an OOP language Smalltalk
with some extensions. They incorporate object identity
and encapsulation via data abstraction and support
complex object and inheritance.
This paper presents a simple OODBMS which is
implemented in another OOP language Borland C++
(originally Turbo C++). Since most of our application
programs in OPIP CR. Chen, 1991), which is an object-
oriented pictorial information system for
photogrammetry, are realized in C and C++ language,
we surely choose C++ other than Smalltalk as the
basis for OODBMS development.The main feature of this
OODBMS is that it supports object-oriented model and
can manage variable-length-record (VLR) database.
Based on this OODBMS, and combined with algorithms of
photogrammetry, image processing and computer graphics,
the OPIP has been built. In fact, the OODBMS forms the
kernel of OPIP. other subsystems of OPIP are operated
around the OODBMS.
Object-oriented methodology (OOM) is one of the
most attractive research subjects in current computer
software field. The basic idea of OOM is that the
problem domain is segmented in a natural way in order
that the model of the problem domain can be
established in such a way that it is closest to the
normal way of human being’s thinking, and the
can be simulated from
thereby, the designed
processing of problem
objective information entities
their structures and behaviors,
software can represent the
solving as direct as possible.
parts : object-oriented
requirements analysis (OORA), object-oriented design
(00D) and object-oriented implementation (00I). OORA
is used to determine the objects and their relations
in the problem domain, and establish the object model
of the problem. 00D is used to design the classes of
objects and the inheritant relations among classes,
and build the message model. 00I is used to implement
the inner status and operations for each object, and
realize the message transmission among objects.
00M consists of three