Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B4)

program from 
er,also data 
RE, must set 
can be on 
n data from 
- parameters 
2 from data 
zind of data 
! file.After 
the survey 
. in survey 
ace.For any 
t take care 
Ogram there 
ERN R48 not 
ments. New 
ping. So it 
levelop it. 
Now we have 
O computer, 
or traverse 
are some 
"or example 
irection in 
the angers 
can measure 
1e secondly 
dition for 
re are many 
,the others 
It's very 
IT problems 
inning. If 
ns in the 
make some 
- different 
error) and 
>rences is 
valus and 
Stop. The 
. Surveyor 
tant for 
/er repeat 
you get a 
le is a 
12 land 
irveyor in 
e survey 
nd board. 
They use oniy tape to get plot scatch. No coordinates 
and directions, so no diagram for plot. From this 
year, there are two land surveyor in each land board. 
And they have got a complete automatic plotting 
system. In each land board there are two total 
station TC1000 with GRE4 for collection data. There 
a computer 486 with 120 M hard disc, and 4 M memory. 
One handel computer 286 for data transfer and 
computation in the field. one plotter, one printer, 
one digitizer and one modem. There are software 
microstation, surveyplot, wordperfect, dbase4, lotus 
123.collection data from field to computer and to the 
ploter. Set up cadastral data bank. The working 
station as figure 4. 
Problem is data fro GRE4 to surveyplot or make new 
traverse program and observation programs. 
From getting equipments to produce map only two 
months in BOTSWANA. It's fast for a developing 
country in AFRICA. We should take a look. 
GREA RS 237 
GIF 2 *| hande1 
! | 
computer | microstation 
486 surveyplot 
dbase 4 
e lotus 123 
piotter E 
printer | tisitizer | modem | 

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