Deformable Model for Image Segmentation
Yaonan Zhang
Faculty of Geodesy, Delft University of Technology
Thijsseweg 11, 2629 JA Delft, The Netherlands
Commission IV
This paper presents an approach for image segmentation using Minimum Description Length (MDL) principle and
integrating region growing, region boundary fitting, model selection in an integrated manner, on which the final result
is a kind of compromise of various sources of knowledge such as the original grey level image and deformable object
models. The deformable model is a closed polygon depicted by a number of straight line segments. The formulae for
encoding the image intensity and shape of region are presented. The whole process is carried out by a split-and-merge
mechanism which is based on a new data structure. We also introduce the method for optimal curve fitting. We believe
that such approach can be used in the segmentation and feature detection for remote sensing image, urban scene image
as well as in the automated integration of GIS, remote sensing and image processing.
KEYWORDS: Image Segmentation, Image Analysis, Feature Extraction.
Image segmentation is one of the fundamental
requirements in image analysis. The techniques for
image segmentation roughly fall into two general
1). Edge detection and line following. This category
of techniques studies various of operators applied
to raw images, which yield primitive edge
elements, followed by a concatenating procedure
to make a coherent one dimensional feature from
many local edge elements.
2). | Region-based methods. Region-based methods
depend on pixel statistics over localized areas of
the image. Regions of an image segmentation
should be uniform and homogeneous with respect
to some characteristics such as grey tone or
texture. Region interiors should be. simple and
without many small holes. Adjacent regions of a
segmentation should have significantly different
values with respect to the characteristics on
which they are uniform. Boundary of each
segment should be simple, not ragged, and must
be spatially accurate [Haralick and Shapiro,84].
Image segmentation is hard because there is generally no
theory on it. Segmentation techniques are basically ad
hoc and differ precisely in the way they emphasize one
or more of the desired properties and in the way balance
and compromise one desired property against another.
The whole content of this paper is concentrated on the
region-based methods. Region-based image segmentation
techniques can be classified as: measurement space
guided spatial clustering, single linkage region schemes,
hybrid linkage region growing schemes, centroid linkage
region growing schemes, spatial clustering schemes, and
split and merging schemes [Haralick and Shapiro]
[Benie] [Besl,88a,88b] [Bharu] [Blanz] [Haddon] [Hu]
[Liou] [Pappas] [Rodriquez] [Snyder] [Sumanaweera]
Recently, There is increasing interest in applying the
information theory to automatically interpret and
analysis the image data [Foerstner and Pan] [Kim]
[Hua,89a,89b,90] [Leclerc,89,90] [Leonardis] [Meer]
[Pavlidis]. The fundamental concept in information
theory is the idea that the amount of information derived
from some event, or experiment, is related to the
number of degrees of freedom available beforehand or
the reduction in uncertainty about some other event
gleaned from an observation of the outcome. Among the
tremendous tools provided by information theory,
Minimum Description Length (MDL) principle has been
quite successfully applied in computer vision field.
MDL principle studies estimation based upon the
principle of minimizing the total number of binary digits
required to rewrite the observed data, when each
observation is given with some precision. Instead of
attempting at an absolutely shortest description, which
would be futile, it looks for the optimum relative to a
class of parametrically given distributions. This MDL
principle turns out to degenerate to the more familiar
Maximum Likehood (ML) principle in case the number
of parameters in the models is fixed, so that the
description length of the parameters themselves can be
ignored. In another extreme case, where the parameters
determine the data, it similarly degenerates to Jaynes's
principle of maximum entropy. The main power of the
MDL principle is that it permits estimates of the entire
model, its parameters, their number, and even the way