Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B4)

| of 
Zhou Jianhua 
Department of Geography 
Shanghai Normal University 
Shanghai, China (P. R. C.) 
ISPRS Commission IV 
The Urban Green Ecology Information System (UGEIS) given in this article is one of the 
most essential system about some special topics and functions in the urban GIS. It 
consists of four parts, namely two-dimensional greening overlay rate library,  three- 
dimentional green quantity information library, management information library of special 
greening areas and environmental information sub-library. The major means of setting up 
the system is the aerial remote sensing and computer technique and the major object is 
to research quantitatively the green ecology information and to analyse the relation 
between greening and environment. Specially the 3-D green biological quantity can be used 
to estimate the economic output of urban greening and to analyse the relation between the 
output and the social results. In short, from macroscope to microscope a basic means of 
researching the information of urban green ecology and the relation between the informa- 
tion and environment by aerial remote sensing was put forward in this article. 
Keywords: Green ecology information system. Aerial remote sensing. 2-D greening overlay 
rate. 3-D green biological quantity. Economic output of greening. Relation between 
greening and environment. 
With the daily increasing of urbanism conditions and quantity of man-made urban 
degree and the mushrooming up of new £reening are restricted by other  environ- 
cities, the urban population has become mental factors and the unbalacing of 
over concentrated, the land for construc- natural growth of plants and artificial 
tion has rapidly expanded and the indus- trimming make the urban green ecological 
trialization has greatly deepened . The system complicated and variable so that we 
nearly  all-man-made recycle system of are not able to describe it by using a 
production and living has replaced the single simple fixed model. Therefore, the 
previous natural ecological cycle system , investigation and management of urban 
making a large number of cities,  particu- green ecological system are a very compli- 
larly industrial cities face serious envi- cated system-engineening which combines 
ronmental problems. Take Shanghai as an scientific research with production, in the 
excample. In the center of Shanghai city , comtemporary urban planning and  construc- 
approximately 1600 tons of floating dust tion. The UGEIS is an multifunctional 
and 1500 tons of sulfur dioxide are exhau- information system combining investigation 
sted annually into one square kilometer of with management, designed and established 
Sky. The air pollutant content greatly to solve the above mentioned problem. 
exceeds the total volume which can be In the course of establishing the UGCIS, 
settled or absorbed by the atmosphere we adopt the new technique of  comprehen- 
environment. This has not only affected Sive investigation by aerial remote  sen- 
the economic development and social  prog- sing and analysing by computer statistics, 
ress, but also severely threatened the rather than the traditional method of 
physical and mental health of the people . measuring by measuring tape on the spot 
Às you are all aware, green plants have and carrying out statistics by manual 
many environmental functions such as soli- charts. The new technique not only saves a 
dating soil and reserving water, absorbing lot of human and material resources, but 
carbon and producing oxigen, adjusting also has such advantages as fast  investi- 
atmospheric temperature, preventing pollu- gation, high quantitative accuracy, strong 
tion and settling down dust, sterlizing comparativeness among regions , convinient 
air, insolating noise, etc.. In order to and quick data management and renewal. 
help the urban residents to reproduce and Helpful to the establishment of various 
live in urban development, it is a must to types of statistical models to carry out 
establish a man-made urban green ecology modelization relative analysis, etc.. The 
system to maintain the balanced recycle following introduction is about the four 
between people and environment. parts of the UGCIS. 
However, the design and layout, living 
I. Preparation of  Greening Present Situation Map and 
Establishment of Two-Dimensional Greening Data Library 
The 2-D greening data library is a basic on the statistic, so the major form of the 
library with relatively complete functions, data is grid, and the minnor is polygon. 
which is mainly used in the daily  manage- The following is a brief introduction to 
ment & planning of municipal park depart- the establishment method of this library 
ment. The emphasis of this library is laid and its fundamental functions. 

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