based on ecological responses. In other words,
biodiversity can be assessed across a region by the
differentiation and location of separate BLUs -
homogeneous response units defined spatially by
attribute composition.
Another important spatial modeling concept of BLUs
for biodiversity is the desirable effect of retaining the
"patchy" detail of existing environments. BLUs
provide spatial definition of complex ecologic details
in a form that can be graphically displayed in a single
map layer. This single layer can display the first level
of analysis - the "core components" of existing
environments, to which a few other defining layers
(lice administrative boundaries or cultural features)
can be added for reference, without confusing
displayed information beyond the point of recognition
and interpretation. Focus is on spatial patterns and
the assemblages of those patterns (communities)
and the ecotones which provide the transition
between homogeneous areas. The approach allows
the analyst to better understand the dynamics
occurring in the ecological system and not become
overwhelmed with specifics of multiple data layers.
As previously mentioned, the spatial patterns of
homogeneous BLUs may not always be visually
distinct, (without GIS), but defined rather by ecologi-
cal responses.
The emphasis, therefore, becomes one of dynamics,
anomalies, edge conditions, seral stages(s), stability,
and sustainability. Inferred information derived from
the interface of components of the BLU are tested
with field visits and comparable landscapes to better
understand the natural system in any locality.
When areas of anomalies have been identified, field
verified and found to require more detailed analysis,
another step in the hierarchy of BLU resolution is
added. Additional spatial data layers can be overlaid
to isolate possible contributing dynamics, or site
specific data can be collected, geocode and ana-
Work is currently underway to enhance BLU model-
ing methods using site specific data. Site data, like
transects, correlate detailed snapshots in time to the
broader scope, more generalized spatial snapshots in
time provided by satellite remote sensing data.
Satellite data, along with subsequently derived layers
like BLUs, provide total area coverage. It has long
been recognized that one of the most practical uses
of satellite data is the identification of areas where
more specific data collection and evaluation methods
are required. This same simple notion supports the
BLU concept of hierarchal scales of detail, allowing
bi-directional flow of information between generic,
regional dynamics, and local, more specific dynam-
An ultra simple, practical example is an effort to
automate and link transect data to satellite data, and
BLUs. The approach is to use: transect data collect-
ed into polycorder files, Global Positioning System
(GPS) data for geocoding transect location, and at
those transect points, use of a simple compass for
determining the vector of transects in relationship to
spectral classes and BLUs.
Attempts to correlate historic transect data digitized
into GIS has revealed only a weak correlation with
satellite spectral data. Many historic transects appear
to have been selected within, and parallel to ecotone
areas, probably in an effort to get the best possible
representation of diversity, while trying to conserve
in numbers of personnel and field time. This makes
it very difficult to relate site specific data to generic
alternatives management is forced to choose be-
tween on a regional scale. These choices could easily
be confounded by shifts in ecotone areas, which are
areas most sensitive to change. Further, if it were
determined that changes were occurring, it would be
difficult to determine the extent or percent of change
in an area, and what the change represents.
The current effort using the previously mentioned
technologies would use BLUs to locate sites for
transects. Locations would include sites well within
a homogeneous area, allowing a clear definition of
the community assemblages. Locations could also
include transects perpendicularto ecotones, and thus
spectral or community boundaries. Transects could
also be long enough to bisect the boundary and
allow for boundary shift through time. With a
reasonable correlation of transect data to BLUs, it
should be possible to track subtle shifts in local
ecological dynamics.
In the EI Malpais National Conservation Area (NCA),
(at a 30 meter cell sampling scale), BLUs have
already been used to detect change, and consider:
the rate, amount, and direction of change; as well as
the relationship of change to management manipula-
tions and fluctuations in weather patterns. For
example, habitat patchiness, difficult to quantify
without GIS derived BLUs, and a critical component
in management of biodiversity, has been recognized
as becoming more homogeneous in some areas of
the EI Malpais NCA. One possible management
response to this change may be relaxation of "full
suppression" in fire management.
Another use of BLU tracking of change in biodiver-
sity is the delineation and monitoring of ecological
components that represent only a small percentage
of a protected area. Tracking these areas, and using
GIS to overlay management alternatives, could
eliminate the areas from consideration for incompati-
ble uses like a camping area, interpretive trail, or
range improvement. GIS graphic representation of
BLUs and the conflict resolutions are then useful for
policy implementation within an agency, and for
public information, especially when use restrictions
are necessary.
The hierarchal framework of BLUs, besides providing
flexibility in scale and detail of components of
current conditions, is meant to facilitate correlation